Did you know you can lose weight with healthy fats? Let’s stop the lies and start getting real! Fat is your friend and you can and absolutely should be using healthy fats to lose weight!
In this post, I will explain why, if you really want to expedite your weight loss, you should be open-minded and consider accepting the idea that: HEALTHY FATS Should Be Your Forever Weight Loss Friend!
I’ll also give you a list of 10 extremely healthy high-fat foods that will help you to start shedding that extra weight right away!
Fat is Your Friend
HONESTY has always been so important to me. So much so that when I was in 2nd grade I found a dime on the school playground and, instead of picking it up and putting it in my pocket, I took it directly to the office to turn it in. I was sure whoever lost that dime would be searching frantically for it and I wanted to make sure they got it back.
Well, after 10 days of nobody claiming the dime (surprise, surprise) the elementary secretary called me to the office to tell me that I could keep the dime.
Nope! I couldn’t take it because I just knew that somebody, some day, was going to come back looking for that beloved dime!
Anyways, my point is, honesty is BIG with me and I am FIRED UP because I feel like the food industry has flat out LIED to us over and over and over again, year after year after year!
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My PROMISE to you: I absolutely promise to ONLY recommend products that I have personally purchased & used myself! I will also ONLY recommend products that I truly believe in & am ecstatic (jumping up & down) about because they have brought real and true value to my life!
The BUZZWORDS: Fat-Free and Low-Fat
FAT-FREE and LOW-FAT were the ultimate BUZZWORDS of the 1990’s after it became widely accepted that fat was a “bad” nutrient. People believed that fats made you fat and they also believed that fat was causing increases in heart disease. Since fat has 9 calories per gram, while carbohydrates and protein each provide only 4 calories per gram, it makes sense on paper that fat causes weight gain!
The REAL TRUTH About Healthy Fats!
But… here’s the real deal. The popular fat-free era actually made Americans heavier because foods that are LABELED (another very deceptive practice in the food industry) fat-free, reduced fat, low-fat, diet, or sugar-free don’t equate to calorie-free. In addition, once you take all the fat out of these foods they seriously taste terrible and that’s a big problem.
So, to compensate for the disgusting taste, they pour in tons of additives like salt, sugar, flour, thickeners and chemical fillers that make them WAY less healthy and seriously harmful to your body. Consuming even small amounts of added sugar can lead to weight gain, blood sugar problems and an increased risk of heart disease.
Even more frustrating is the fact that low-fat and fat free food sales continue to skyrocket! Why, you ask? Well, because not only are we, as consumers, being duped by deceptive food labeling practices, but diet and health professionals continue to recommend these foods as a part of their latest and greatest “diet” plan. Uggggggh!
My Experience with Fat-Free in the 90’s
In the late 90’s, I was a college student, and that is when my weight loss concerns began. I absolutely remember the fat-free era and how it sucked me right in.
I spent the summer of 1997 working on Mackinac Island in Northern Michigan, with my sister. We were trying to save up money for college so we tried not to waste too much of our hard earned money on fancy island food. So, we rarely ate in restaurants.
Instead, we ate fat-free hot dogs, WOW chips (holy, I gotta run to the bathroom after all that Olestra), fat-free chocolate pudding and we’d finish off the night by shoveling a handful of fat-free Snackwell cookies into our mouths. And that, my friends, was our dinner. Almost every single night!

I wanted to lose about 7-10 pounds at that time and just couldn’t, for the life of me, figure out why I couldn’t shed a single pound.
I mean, I was eating all things low-calorie, fat-free and running 6 miles around the island after work each night. And for the next two decades, I continued believing that fat-free and low-fat foods would somehow miraculously make me skinny. NOPE! It just didn’t happen!
The Lies! EXPOSED!
Alright, enough ranting because I really could go on and on. In fact, if you are as intrigued, frustrated and ticked off about all this as I was, I would highly recommend reading the book, SPOON-FED by Tim Spector. This book, is an awesome follow up to his earlier bestselling book, THE DIET MYTH, which explains the real science behind what we eat.
Both books do an excellent job of exposing the lies we’ve been fed. They also debunk the many myths surrounding calorie counting and the foods that we eat. Prepare to be educated, but pretty ticked off too! We can have rant sessions together after you read it. Lol
What Finally Worked For Me?
In early 2021, I was introduced to and happily adopted an intermittent fasting lifestyle. In addition to fasting, I began eating a low-carb, healthy fat diet. And, as a 46 year old woman, this powerful combo helped me to lose 46 pounds in just 4 months.
I’ve found that eating a lower carb, HIGH HEALTHY FAT diet leads to all sorts of amazing health and weight loss benefits including more abdominal fat loss, lower blood sugar and insulin levels, lower triglycerides and a fantastic feeling of SATIETY.
And…don’t let the calories in healthy fats scare you. I have not counted a single calorie in over three years! However, I have easily kept off the weight that I lost.
When you choose to fill up on healthy fats, you will feel so satisfied. It will help you to feel full sooner. I love this because as an intermittent faster, healthy fats help me to easily fast longer! My taste buds have completely changed and my cravings for “fake” artificially sweetened unhealthy foods are pretty much non-existent!
I still have a huge sweet tooth which is why for my dessert every single night, I enjoy 2-3 yummy coconut chocolate fat bombs. They leave me feeling full, completely satisfied and ready to start my next fast. Not to mention, the main ingredient in them is coconut oil, which is an extremely healthy weight loss fat and one of my game-changing favorite healthy fats!
10 Best Healthy Fat Foods For Weight Loss
Alright, let’s talk about some delicious healthy fat foods! These foods will truly help to improve your health and catapult your weight loss efforts. Here are 10 of the best healthy fat foods:
- COCONUT OIL (Personal Favorite)
- SALMON (Personal Favorite)
- MACADAMIA NUTS (Personal Favorite)
- PUMPKIN SEEDS (Personal Favorite)
- OLIVE OIL (I use this every day)
- FULL-FAT GREEK YOGURT (I Love This – My favorite brand is TWO GOOD)
In closing, remember to…Please, Please, Please, consider using FULL-FAT versions of your favorite foods – like yogurt, sour cream, mayo, and real grass-fed butter (never use Margarine, which is a highly processed, factory-made butter replicate) and read your food labels very carefully!
Hey there, friend! Are you are looking for some SIMPLE, DELICIOUS and HEALTHY Weight Loss Dinner Recipes? You can SNAG my Ebook Cookbook 10 Low CRAP! High YUM Dinner Recipes for only $5. These are the exact dinner recipes that helped me to lose 46 pounds in just 4 months!
I’d also love for you to take a short tour of my So What IF? with Jen WEBSITE and BLOG. Here you will find more great weight loss and intermittent fasting TIPS, TRICKS, and WEIGHT LOSS RECIPES and PRODUCTS!