Discover how to lose 5 pounds in a week with intermittent fasting! Learn 11 easy and effective weight loss strategies that get the job done!
Intermittent fasting is definitely not a “get skinny quick” scheme. However, it can absolutely give your body the motivating turbo boost it needs to jumpstart a successful and sustainable weight loss journey.
In this post, we will define intermittent fasting and dive into the many weight loss and health benefits related to fasting. Additionally, we will explore specific strategies to help you lose 5 pounds in a week with intermittent fasting.
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My PROMISE to you: I absolutely promise to ONLY recommend products that I have personally purchased & used myself! I will also ONLY recommend products that I truly believe in & am ecstatic (jumping up & down) about because they have brought real and true value to my life!
What is Intermittent Fasting?
Intermittent Fasting is not your traditional calorie deficit focused diet plan. It’s an eating plan that focuses on WHEN you eat, not WHAT you eat. Intermittent fasting alternates between a fasting period and a feasting period. It’s become super popular because it’s pretty flexible and can fit into many lifestyles. Additionally, this meal plan can help with weight loss and can be really awesome for your overall long term health goals.
What are the Benefits of Intermittent Fasting?
The list is long when it comes to intermittent fasting benefits. One major advantage is fat loss and weight management. When we give our body regular periods of not eating, we can help control our calorie intake and promote weight loss and fat burning. Intermittent fasting also helps boost energy levels, improve insulin resistance and stabilize blood sugar levels.
Check out these 15 incredible intermittent fasting before and after success stories.
Additionally, intermittent fasting has been shown to contribute to a ton of awesome health benefits. Some of the benefits of fasting include reducing body inflammation, lowering cholesterol levels and reducing the risk of heart disease. Recent studies have shown it might also help our brain function better, enhancing mental clarity and memory. Overall, intermittent fasting offers a holistic approach to health, addressing various aspects of our well-being and potentially contributing to a healthier and more energetic life.
CLICK HERE to learn more about the incredible benefits of intermittent fasting!
How Does Intermittent Fasting Help You Lose Weight?
First, let’s talk about how Intermittent fasting can be an absolute superhero when it comes to lowering body weight and improving body composition. In January of 2021, I began following an intermittent fasting schedule. I successfully lost 46 pounds in just 4 months and reached my goal weight in May of 2021.
So, how does intermittent fasting work and why does it work so well? An intermittent fasting plan helps with weight loss by controlling when you eat. When you give your body specific times to eat and fast, it’s like flipping a switch that tells it to burn fat for energy.
When you eat, your body gets energy from the food it has just taken in. It uses this energy for all your daily activities, like walking and talking. But, when you fast (abstain from caloric intake), especially for an extended period, your body no longer has fresh food to use for energy. So, it has no other choice other than to start tapping into your stored fat for fuel. And, this is when the real weight loss party gets started.
Additionally, intermittent fasting helps control our hunger hormones so when you fast, these hormones calm down and you don’t feel as hungry. This is incredible because it makes it easier to eat fewer calories overall.
How Can I Lose 5 Pounds in a Week With Intermittent Fasting?
Alright, let’s dive in and uncover 11 incredible intermittent fasting strategies that will help you to lose 5 pounds in a week.
I found that the real fasting magic happens once you hit the 18-hour mark. Once you’ve reached 18 hours into your fasting window, some really cool stuff starts happening in your body. The fat-burning really starts to rev up and body healing begins to magnify. So, I’d like to challenge you to “CLEAN FAST” for at least 18 hours each day. If you can push it to 20 hours (warrior diet fasting method), that’s even better. Go ahead and give it a try! Extended fasting has so many benefits. I believe in you and know you can do it.
CLICK HERE to learn all about the 7 different intermittent fasting stages and the many benefits associated with each phase.
This is a REALLY BIG ONE! I mean it. It’s so important that you keep things clean if you want to achieve the best weight loss results possible. Throw “dirty fasting” out the window and stick to the 4 best intermittent fasting drinks ONLY during your periods of fasting. These drinks include a plain glass of water, herbal teas (from dried leaves), black coffee and plain sparkling mineral water.
Click HERE to discover 15 SHOCKING things that will totally break your fast if you’re not careful!
Choosing to dive in and EAT VEGGIES LIKE A BOSS is one of the easiest and most effective ways to lose weight quickly! The reason for this is because vegetables have fewer calories and are nutrient-dense foods. Not only are vegetables uber healthy for you, they have a very high water and fiber content. This is amazing because they help fill our bellies up quickly, making it way easier to reduce overall calorie intake.
High fiber foods like veggies are better choices for weight loss because they move through the digestive tract slowly. Nutritious food keeps us feeling fuller for longer and when we are intermittent fasting this has huge health benefits! We also don’t absorb calories from fiber, so it just provides satisfying volume.
Some of my very favorite weight loss vegetables include: CAULIFLOWER, MUSHROOMS, KALE, PUMPKIN, ZUCCHINI, SQUASH, SPINACH, BROCCOLI and ROMAINE LETTUCE!

I have an Ebook Cookbook that incorporates many of these vegetables into super yummy weight loss dinner recipes. You can check it out RIGHT HERE!
Or, for just $12, you can snag my 53 Intermittent Fasting Weight Loss Recipes ebook that includes snacks, appetizers, main meals, fat-burning smoothies and more. These are the EXACT RECIPES I used to lose 46 pounds. You can check it out RIGHT HERE.
This intermittent fasting strategy is simply incredible and it really does work! As I raced (sometimes crawled) along my fitness journey, I magically discovered the power of exercising while being in the fasted state!
Now that I have learned about the POWER OF INTERMITTENT FASTING, I know that eating before a workout is NOT the best weight loss and exercise strategy for me. And, it might not be the best for you either!
Okay, so HERE’S THE DEAL! I’m just a middle-aged elementary school teacher, not a doctor, who just so happened to figure out how to STOP DIETING and lose 46 pounds in 4 months. I realize that there are a gagillion conflicting weight loss and exercise opinions floating around out there. And, this is exactly why I’m not going to “insert” some “fluff medical study” just to try to prove my credibility. Plain and simple – I am just going off my own beliefs and personal weight loss experiences.
With that being said, this is what I truly believe happens when you eat something that breaks your “fast” before a workout:
BUT… If you exercise while you are fasted, your body has no other choice than to start BURNING YOUR STORED BODY FAT. Pretty cool, huh?
If you’re ready to kickstart your weight loss journey, I challenge you to try exercising in the fasted state. And, if you really want to get the most from this strategy, workout AS FAR INTO YOUR FAST as you possibly can. It really, really, works!
Check out this 30 minute extremely effective FAT-BURNING TREADMILL WORKOUT. It’s my absolute favorite way to workout while being in the fasted state.
Prioritizing protein intake is extremely important when you are trying to lose weight. Protein helps build lean muscle mass and repair muscle tissue. It also provides the body with energy, and supports a healthy immune system. However, when it comes to weight loss, the importance of a high protein diet is often overlooked as a key component in a healthy diet and weight loss plan.
By consuming enough protein during your eating window, you provide your body with the necessary amino acids to support weight loss, as well as, muscle preservation. Additionally, consuming sufficient protein is a good option because it can help to improve insulin sensitivity by supporting the body’s ability to regulate blood sugar and insulin levels.
Protein also greatly contributes to helping us feel full and aiding in appetite control. Try to incorporate lean proteins like poultry, fish, and quality protein powder recipes. This will give your body the resources it needs to optimize your weight loss efforts.
When you drink enough water, it helps your body work its fat-burning magic efficiently. It’s like having your own personal weight loss sidekick. Not only does it keep you feeling full, curbing those late afternoon snack attacks, but it also helps your metabolism run smoothly. So, whether you’re sipping on H2O, herbal tea, or sparkling mineral water, staying hydrated is another awesome strategy that will help you quickly shed those 5 pounds.
Seriously, though, if you’ve never tried sparkling mineral water, I say, make today the day. Once I began drinking plain sparkling mineral water, intermittent fasting became an absolute breeze! I don’t exactly know what it is but the bubbles and the carbonated water, together, create something truly magical inside your tummy.
This carbonated beverage provides hydration without any calories or additives, making it another smart choice for clean fasting. The effervescence of sparkling mineral water can help curb your appetite and provide a sense of fullness. This satisfying feeling truly helps manage feelings of hunger during fasting periods.
My favorite sparkling water brands are: LaCroix “Innocent” and “PurAqua Italian Sparkling Water” (this one can only be found at Aldi Grocery Stores). I love them both because they are super yummy and very cost effective. Just remember to choose varieties without any added flavors or sweeteners to ensure that you do not BREAK YOUR FAST.
If you really want to step up your weight loss game, you have got to try breaking your fast with BRAGG Organic Apple Cider Vinegar. Apple Cider Vinegar is THE BOMB and is, by far, my NUMBER ONE go-to for breaking my intermittent fast. Since adopting an intermittent fasting lifestyle and losing 46 pounds in 4 months, I have been breaking my fast every single day with ACV for almost three years now.
Why ACV? Well, I’ll gladly tell you. It’s because there are seriously so many amazing benefits to ACV including:
- Stimulates fat burning and aids with Weight Loss
- Improves gut health by killing harmful bacteria
- Stabilizes blood glucose levels
- Lowers insulin levels and improves insulin sensitivity
- Helps make you feel fuller for longer
- Stimulates the digestive tract and improves digestion
- AND… it prepares the body for optimal weight loss
CLICK HERE to snag my Apple Cider Vinegar/ACV Fast-Breaking Weight Loss Recipe! Or, you can watch exactly how I make it each day before my OMAD dinner meal RIGHT HERE!
Another great strategy for getting the biggest BANG for your BUCK when it comes to weight loss is to add in a little STRENGTH or RESISTANCE TRAINING to your exercise routine.
Cardio exercises are great but I do believe it is important to add in 2-3 days of strength training each week, as well. Strength training workout routines will also help your body burn extra calories after your workout is over.
My preferred way to add strength training to my routine is through the use of KETTLEBELLS. Here’s an awesome 3-Piece Set that you can check out RIGHT HERE.
Embrace the POWER OF THE PLANK! Try adding a DAILY 60 SECOND PLANK HOLD to your Exercise Routine. Plank holds burn belly fat, improve posture, reduce back pain, and they also improve your metabolism and your mood!
Let the kids eat the ice cream stashed in the freezer. C’mon, it’s one stinkin’ week. You can totally do it! If you want to lose 5 pounds in a week with intermittent fasting, ditching sugar and alcohol is an ABSOLUTE MUST. I’m not even going to go into the why on this one because I am certain that you already know why both sugar and alcohol are seriously the devil when it comes to losing weight. Amen! Drop the Mic! The End!
Eating less than 30g net carbs daily was the secret sauce that helped me achieve real weight loss success with intermittent fasting.
Eating low-carb while intermittent fasting can be a powerful combo for weight loss. When you cut back on carbs, your body turns to its fat stores for energy, helping you burn those extra pounds. Plus, it can keep your blood sugar levels steady, preventing energy spikes and crashes, making fasting easier and more effective. So, JUST DO IT! It might just be a a real game-changer for you, like it was for me.
And there you have it, 11 easy strategies to help you drop 5 pounds in just one week with Intermittent Fasting! So, give it your all, stay consistent, and watch those extra pounds melt away. Your journey toward easily buttoning the top button of your favorite pair of jeans is just a week away! YOU’VE TOTALLY GOT THIS!
Have a truly BLESSED and BEAUTIFUL Day!
Want More “IF” Weight Loss Support?
I would be honored if you’d take a quick listen to my “INTERMITTENT FASTING GEMS with JEN” for FREE on any major podcast platform. Learn more about my new podcast RIGHT HERE!
Jen’s Weight Loss Resources
I’d love to HELP YOU reach your intermittent fasting weight loss goals! You can Check out my 3 Week JUMPSTART PLAN RIGHT HERE! LET’S DO THIS!
And… if you’re ready to go ALL IN and finally lose weight and get healthy FOR GOOD, I’m totally here for YOU! In my INTERMITTENT FASTING and WEIGHT LOSS MASTERCLASS: 6 Weeks to Sexy, I will teach you step-by-step, week-by-week, exactly HOW I lost 46 Pounds in 4 Months with Intermittent Fasting! I’ll share with you every single TIP, TRICK, RECIPE & STRATEGY that I used to reach my goal weight and maintain for over two years now! CLICK HERE if you’re ready to do this TOGETHER!
SECRET BONUS FOR YOU: If you have read this far – THANK YOU – Please use the following discount code: if25 at checkout as a personal thank you from me and receive $25 off of my intermittent fasting weight loss video course.
Amazing content Jen, I have the workouts lined up (will be done fasted) am 20+hrs fasting. Will start the acv and sparkling water tomorrow. You are a treasure ♥️♥️♥️
So happy I found you
Way to go, Tracey! I’m proud of you for jumping right in. Please continue to reach out if you have any questions. I’m here to help. Keep Rockin’ it, girl!