After several hours of fasting, your gut is very sensitive and it needs foods that are easy to digest. It is extremely important to break your intermittent fast slowly, and with foods that are safe and help you to feel your absolute best!
In this post, I will list and explain the 8 best foods you should consume to help you break your intermittent fast safely. 1. Apple Cider Vinegar 2. Bone Broth 3. Avocado 4. Eggs 5. Chicken 6. Fermented Foods 7. Nuts 8. Seaweed Snacks
What is Intermittent Fasting?
Intermittent Fasting is not your traditional calorie deficit focused diet plan. It’s an eating plan that focuses on WHEN you eat, not WHAT you eat. An intermittent fasting plan alternates between a fasting period or fasting window and a feasting period or eating window. This eating pattern has become super popular because it’s pretty flexible and can fit into many lifestyles. Additionally, this meal plan can help with weight loss and can be really awesome for your long term overall health.
How Does Intermittent Fasting Work?
During the fasting period, your body uses stored energy, primarily from fat, for fuel since it’s not getting new calories from food. There are many different fasting methods including the 16:8 method, OMAD, Alternate-Day Fasting, 20:4 method and many more!
What are the Benefits of Intermittent Fasting?
The list is long when it comes to intermittent fasting benefits. One major advantage is fat loss and healthy weight management. When we give our body regular periods of not eating, we can help control our calorie intake and promote accelerated weight loss and fat burning. Intermittent fasting also helps boost energy levels, improve insulin resistance and stabilize blood sugar levels.
Additionally, intermittent fasting has been shown to contribute to a ton of awesome health benefits. Some of the potential benefits of fasting include reducing body inflammation, lowering cholesterol levels and reducing the risk of chronic diseases like cardiovascular disease. Recent studies have shown it might also help our brain function better, enhancing mental clarity and memory. Overall, intermittent fasting offers a holistic approach to health, addressing various aspects of our well-being and potentially contributing to a healthier and more energetic life.
Why is it Important to Break Your Intermittent Fast with Safe Foods?
When you are first starting out with Intermittent Fasting it can feel like you are painfully staring at the clock until it’s finally time to indulge. Then, the second that you hit stop on your fasting app, you shovel in every morsel of food that’s in sight.
Unfortunately, I know all about this because that is exactly what I did when I first started my fasting/weight loss journey. Well…let me just say…IT. WAS. NOT. GOOD! I got ALL the nasty side effects… Gas, Bloating, Massive Explosive Diarrhea (sorry-TMI) and even some severe stomach cramps.
Breaking your intermittent fast safely is crucial for achieving optimal results and supporting your overall well-being. When you’ve abstained from food for a period, your digestive system is in a delicate state, and introducing the right nutrients to an empty stomach for the first meal of the day absolutely matters.
What are the Best Food Choices for Breaking a Fast?
It’s a good idea to choose nutrient-dense whole foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals when breaking your fast. These foods help replenish your body’s stores gradually. This gentle approach aids in avoiding digestive discomfort and promotes a smoother transition out of the fasted state. Hydration is equally vital, ensuring your body receives the fluids it needs for proper function. Timing plays a role too—breaking your fast at the right moment aligns with your chosen fasting method, maximizing its benefits. By understanding and respecting your body’s needs, you set the stage for a successful and health-conscious intermittent fasting journey.
Although it took some time, and a bit of trial and error, I eventually figured things out and went on to successfully lose 46 pounds in 4 months!
8 Great Foods to Break Your Intermittent Fast
I have been intermittent fasting for over three years now and finally feel extremely confident about the foods that I choose to break my fast with each and every time. So, let’s go ahead and dive into 8 fast breaking foods that will help whittle your waistline while simultaneously making your tummy smile.
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My PROMISE to you: I absolutely promise to ONLY recommend products that I have personally purchased & used myself! I will also ONLY recommend products that I truly believe in & am ecstatic (jumping up & down) about because they have brought real and true value to my life!
Apple Cider Vinegar is THE BOMB and is, by far, my NUMBER ONE go-to for breaking my intermittent fast. Since adopting an intermittent fasting lifestyle and losing 46 pounds in 4 months, I have been breaking my fast every single day.

Why apple cider vinegar? OMG! There are seriously so many amazing benefits to ACV including:
- Stimulates fat burning and aids with Weight Loss
- Improves gut health by killing harmful bacteria
- Stabilizes blood glucose levels
- Lowers insulin levels and improves insulin sensitivity
- Helps make you feel fuller for longer
- Stimulates the digestive tract and improves digestion
- AND…way more really awesome stuff
Since ACV does have a small amount of calories, I do believe that I am technically breaking my fast for the day once I take that very first sip. It is important to note that ACV should most definitely be diluted before drinking it.
The question of whether Apple Cider Vinegar aids with weight loss or not has been a controversial and much debated topic for decades. I know that I personally, have been “Googling” the key words “ACV” and “Weight Loss” for a very long time. Well, I am here to attest to the fact that Apple Cider Vinegar REALLY DOES help you lose weight. I started taking 1-2 Tablespoons daily, mixed into my homemade ACV Weight Loss Cocktail and WOW, No joke, it undeniably catapulted my weight loss results.
MY ACV DAILY ROUTINE – How I Regularly Break My Intermittent Fast
So, I seriously drink this 7 ingredient weight loss cocktail EVERY SINGLE DAY 20-30 minutes before I take my first bite of actual food for the day. Allowing 20-30 minutes before that first bite of solid food will ensure that you are receiving the full health and weight loss benefits that ACV has to offer.
Not only did this ACV weight loss cocktail help me lose 46 pounds, it has aided in keeping the weight off.Grab your free copy of my ACV Weight Loss Cocktail Recipe HERE!
PLEASE NOTE! It is very important that you buy BRAGG “With the Mother” Apple Cider Vinegar. There are cheaper versions out there but they will definitely not be nearly as effective! Get your hands on your very own BRAGG APPLE CIDER VINEGAR Here!
I firmly believe that bone broth is one of the absolute BEST ways to break your intermittent fast. Since adopting an intermittent fasting lifestyle and losing 46 pounds in 4 months, I have regularly used bone broth to break my fast. The benefits of bone broth are nothing short of incredible. Bone broth is easy to digest, it’s very filling and it is pretty darn tasty too. Bone broth is a great addition to a healthy diet because it is extremely rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids and electrolytes.
When we fast, our gut lining can become slightly disturbed and bone broth does an amazing job of repairing, protecting and helping our gut to function optimally after a fast.
Finally, bone broth is loaded with muscle-building protein and collagen, which is healthy for our bones and teeth and helps to give our skin that beautiful youthful glow. Studies have also shown that bone broth helps boost our immunity against common illnesses, enhances digestion, and strengthens our bones, joints and ligaments. Choosing to break your fast with bone broth is an absolute clear winner.
CLICK HERE to snag my delicious homemade crockpot rotisserie chicken bone broth recipe!
Breaking your fast with an avocado is also a rock solid choice. The vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats you get from avocados help prevent disease and keep your body in good working order. Avocados are full of Vitamin K, Vitamin B6, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Copper, Potassium and Folate.
Eggs can also be a super way to break your fast and gradually ease yourself into your eating window. Eggs have fewer calories and are easy to digest. They are also very protein-rich, which can help to prevent muscle loss which is especially important when fasting.
Since chicken can easily be digested, it is an excellent food to break your intermittent fast with. Chicken is also a very popular source of lean protein and the taste is enjoyed by many. Furthermore, chicken provides many healthy vitamins and minerals including: Vitamin B6, Niacin, Potassium, Magnesium and Selenium.
For many health reasons, breaking your intermittent fast with fermented foods may be a superior option for you. Fermented foods, like sauerkraut, pickles, and kimchi, are known to support gut health and help to strengthen your gut microbiome.
After fasting for several hours, our digestive tract is stripped of digestive enzymes, as well as some good bacteria. Breaking your fast with fermented foods helps add back some of those enzymes and good bacteria. Fermented foods may help to reduce diarrhea and possibly prevent constipation. These foods are also very rich in Vitamin C and may also help to reduce inflammation.
CLICK HERE for more delicious and simple WEIGHT LOSS RECIPES!
A handful of high quality nuts are a great fast-breaking option because they are vitamin-rich and can help to restore nutrient balance in the body after a fast. Nuts are such a great weight loss and weight maintenance food and each week, I purchase both the Mixed Nuts and the Macadamias at a great price from ALDI.

As I live my intermittent fasting lifestyle I often enjoy breaking my fast with a handful of these nuts while I am cooking and preparing dinner for my family. They are delicious and a perfect small, healthy snack before I enjoy my one large meal for the day.
I love SEAWEED SNACK PACKS sooooo much! Yup, you heard me right! I know, I know, they sound so gross, but honestly I think they taste awesome. These snacks are a fantastic way to break your fast and they are VERY GOOD for you too. They are the perfect, crunchy, NO-CARB, EXTREMELY LOW CALORIE snack that helps replace your want for crispy, salty potato chips. It’s all about making little food and snack changes so you still feel completely satisfied.

Here are 7 Science-Backed BENEFITS OF SEAWEED:
- Contains Iodine & Tyrosine, which support Thyroid Function
- Provides a great source of many Vitamins & Minerals
- Contains a variety of protective Antioxidants – making free radicals in the body less reactive
- Contains Fiber and Polysaccharides that supports gut health and makes you feel fuller for longer too!
- May help you lose weight by delaying hunger and reducing weight – there is a substance in seaweed called, Fucoxanthin, that has been found to have anti-obesity effects
- May reduce blood cholesterol levels and the risk of heart disease
- May reduce your risk of Type 2 Diabetes by improving your blood sugar control
So, there you have it. Seriously, DON’T KNOCK IT ‘TIL YOU TRY IT! Really! I have been ordering these and snacking on them as I break my fast for a few years now. My personal favorite is the variety pack with the 4 different flavors. They are such a delicious, game-changing healthy fast-breaking snack and a welcome addition to my regular eating routine.
The best advice I can give you on breaking your fast is to make sure that you DON’T BREAK YOUR FAST WITH A BINGE. You will literally feel like total DOG CRAP if you do. In addition, I believe that it is equally important that you don’t break your fast with a mix of carbs and fats. By doing this, you run the risk of creating a double insulin spike within your body.
I’ve found that low-carb foods have been extremely beneficial for me. Be strategic and start with some diluted APPLE CIDER VINEGAR even better, my 7 ingredient ACV Weight Loss Cocktail. Then wait 20-30 minutes and slowly enjoy one or more of the foods from the list above.
Finally, when you do eat your first meal, take your time and let it digest. I make sure to eat every meal super slow and enjoy each and every bite, pretending that I am eating at a gourmet restaurant. It allows me to truly savor every moment that I spend eating delicious and healthy foods that fuel my body!
CONCLUSION – How To Break Your Intermittent Fast
When choosing foods to break your intermittent fast safely, remember to keep it simple, take things slow and choose healthy options including: 1. Apple Cider Vinegar 2. Bone Broth 3. Avocado 4. Eggs 5. Chicken 6. Fermented Foods 7. Nuts 8. Seaweed/Seaweed Snacks
What is your favorite way to break your intermittent fast? I’d love to hear what works for you? Please leave me a comment below and let me know!
I’d love for you to take a short tour of my So What IF? with Jen WEBSITE and BLOG. Here you will find more great intermittent fasting TIPS, TRICKS, and WEIGHT LOSS RECIPES and PRODUCTS!
And… if you’re ready to go ALL IN and finally lose weight and get healthy FOR GOOD, I’m totally here for YOU! In my INTERMITTENT FASTING and WEIGHT LOSS MASTERCLASS: 6 Weeks to Sexy, I will teach you step-by-step, week-by-week, exactly HOW I lost 46 Pounds in 4 Months with Intermittent Fasting! I’ll share with you every single TIP, TRICK, RECIPE & STRATEGY that I used to reach my goal weight and maintain for over two years now! CLICK HERE if you’re ready to do this TOGETHER!