The 4 BEST TIPS if you want to Fast EASIER and LONGER! This post will SHOW you how to easily EXTEND your “INTERMITTENT” or “PROLONGED” Fast so you can LOSE MORE WEIGHT and FEEL GREAT doing it!
What should you do if you are ABSOLUTELY STARVING during your intermittent or prolonged fast and you feel like you literally want to EAT YOUR ARM OFF? Well, I am super excited to share my TOP 4 BEST TIPS to help you to easily EXTEND your FAST so that you can LOSE MORE WEIGHT and feel like A MILLION BUCKS while you’re doing it!
I have been living an INTERMITTENT FASTING lifestyle since I was first introduced to it in January of 2021. Although, I lost 46 Pounds in 4 Months with Intermittent Fasting, I had my fair share of “very hangry” moments at the beginning of my journey! Moments when I was constantly fixated on the clock and feeling like I could NOT wait ONE. MORE. SECOND to eat something – anything! Luckily, through lots of trial and error and many ups and downs, I uncovered 4 BEST TIPS that helped me crack the code! Now, let me TEACH YOU how to fast EASIER and LONGER! Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy!
DISCLAIMER: This post contains affiliate links. If you click one of these links and make a purchase, I may earn a commission at no additional cost to you. In addition, as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Feel free to check out my Full Disclaimer HERE!
My PROMISE to you: I will ONLY recommend products that I have personally purchased & used myself! I will also ONLY recommend products that I am ecstatic (jumping up & down) about because they have brought real value & joy to my life!
BEST TIP: Fast Easier and Longer with an Electrolyte Supplement!

We normally get a steady supply of electrolytes when we eat and drink. However, when we “fast” we have to do some dipping into our body’s limited stored supply of electrolytes. These stored electrolytes deplete pretty quickly when fasting and can cause us to feel pretty crappy! Taking an electrolyte supplement while fasting is a great way to help fuel your body with the nutrients it needs.
There are SO MANY BENEFITS to using an electrolyte supplement while fasting including:
Minerals don’t have any energy value, so they, alone, won’t break your fast. However, many electrolyte supplements on the market are enhanced with junk, and this “added junk” will indeed break your fast.
Where Can I Find A Quality Electrolyte Supplement that won’t BREAK MY FAST?
It can be VERY HARD to find a good quality, clean electrolyte supplement that will not break your fast. My favorite is the LMNT RAW UNFLAVORED ELECTROLYTE PACKETS[Amazon Affiliate Link] They are super easy to use. I just add one packet to about 16 ounces of water. I really struggled the first few weeks of my IF weight loss journey. Some days felt nearly impossible and I didn’t know if I would be able to complete a 20-22 hour fast. My body was still adjusting to becoming fat-adapted and I experienced dizziness, headaches and VERY LOW energy!
Once I incorporated the electrolyte supplement, however, it really helped to alleviate those symptoms. After about 6 weeks I no longer needed to take them for shorter 20-22 hour fasts. Since my body is now fat-adapted, I usually only take one packet [Amazon Affiliate Link] when I fast for 24+ hours or so! I take it about halfway through that extended fast and I am good to go!
LMNT Electrolyte Powder Packet Benefits
BEST TIP: Be A Busy Bee and Fast Easier and Longer!
If you want to fast EASIER and LONGER, just KEEP YOURSELF BUSY! When I am busy, FASTING is a “piece of cake” – one that I don’t need or even want to eat, for that matter! I am a teacher and I know that when I am busy at work with my students, I’m not thinking about food or eating one tiny bit.
It’s a good idea to focus on activities that distract you from hunger, but aren’t too strenuous. It’s also a good idea to stay away from food-related activities like cooking or baking or watching TV (too many yummy food commercials).
Just “BEE” BUSY, BUZZ AROUND and be PRODUCTIVE – and have a little fun while you’re at it! Why not take your dog for a walk, work in the garden, or do some yoga/meditation. Some other fun distracting activities include reading a book, listening to a podcast, going shopping or taking a well-deserved long nap on the couch or, better yet, a hammock!
BEST TIP: Fast Easier and Longer by Closing Your Eating Window With a Healthy Fat!
Here’s the deal! Certain foods spike your insulin levels and disrupt your blood sugar levels much more than other foods do. This sometimes causes your body to have a crash and burn feeling after eating them. If you are feeling tired after your eating window closes and you begin your fast, consider making the last food that you eat something very high in GOOD HEALTHY FATS!
Every BODY is different but I have certainly found that eating a lot of highly processed carbs and then closing my eating window puts my body into a very sluggish state. Good fats, on the other hand, create an extremely low (if any) insulin/blood sugar spike.

I think the MOST PERFECT FOOD to eat before closing your eating window is an AVOCADO. It is an absolute SUPERFOOD and contains tons of antioxidants, as well as 10 grams of fiber per cup! AND… Avocados are very healthy for your HEART! If you don’t like avocados, other great choices to end with include: SALMON, COCONUT OIL, GOOD QUALITY CHEESE, HARD BOILED EGGS, NUTS (especially macadamia nuts, almonds & walnuts) and CHIA SEEDS!
I personally love to take a few cheese slices and dip them into a mashed up scoop of avocado mixed with some full fat sour cream (NO lowfat or NO FAT dairy products as they are filled with too many chemicals and artificial crap! Sorry, please AVOCADON’T get me started down that road! I’ll leave that for another blog post in the very near future!
I also enjoy closing my eating window with a big handful of nuts, 1-2 coconut bombs or a bowl of my yummy PEANUT BUTTER COCONUT DESSERT Check my recipe out below and give it a try! I bet you’ll love it as much as I do!
Closing your window with healthy fat/fiber rich foods like avocados will help to STABILIZE YOUR BLOOD SUGAR and RAMP UP YOUR ENERGY LEVELS! Most importantly, though, munching on healthy fats at the end of your eating window will allow you to REMAIN FULL for LONGER into your next fast! And this, my fasting friends… is a BEAUTIFUL THING! It will give you the push needed to easily reach your fasting, weight loss and health goals!
MY #1 BEST TIP: Fast Easier & Longer by Drinking Plain Sparkling Water
Can you say GAME CHANGER??? Oh my Goodness! Once I started drinking plain sparkling water, fasting became an absolute breeze! I don’t exactly know what it is but the bubbles and the carbonation does something truly magical inside your tummy. It not only curbs your appetite and gets rid of those nagging hunger pangs, it legit, makes you feel like you are having a fancy soda (or “pop” as we like to call it here in the mid-west!)
However, if I’m being 100 percent honest with you (which I promise to always be), I didn’t really like plain sparkling/mineral water when I first tried it. I had heard it might help so I gave it a whirl. Well… within just one week, I was HOOKED! I have now very happily enjoyed 1-2 sparkling waters every single day for the last 18 months.
My favorite sparkling water brands are: LaCroix “Innocent” (you can buy this almost anywhere) and “PurAqua Italian Sparkling Water” (this can only be found at Aldi Grocery Stores). I love them both because they are super yummy and super cheap! Just make sure it is plain so it DOES NOT BREAK YOUR FAST!
Well, that’s a wrap, my fasting friends! If you are wanting to FAST EASIER and LONGER remember to:
Hey there! Which one of the 4 TIPS do you think will help you the MOST to Fast EASIER and LONGER? Please leave me a comment below! I’d love to hear from you!
And… if you’re ready to go ALL IN and finally lose weight and get healthy FOR GOOD, I’m totally here for YOU! In my INTERMITTENT FASTING and WEIGHT LOSS MASTERCLASS: 6 Weeks to Sexy, I will teach you step-by-step, week-by-week, exactly HOW I lost 46 Pounds in 4 Months with Intermittent Fasting! I’ll share with you every single TIP, TRICK, RECIPE & STRATEGY that I used to reach my goal weight and maintain for over two years now! CLICK HERE if you’re ready to do this TOGETHER!
FINALLY, If you are looking for more unique Intermittent Fasting, Weight Loss & Health TIPS, TRICKS, RECIPES and More be sure to check out my So What IF? with Jen WEBSITE and BLOG!
WEBSITE & BLOG/So What IF? with Jen
Until Next Time, my Fasting Friends! Take Care and Be Well! I hope you spend your day LOVING WITHOUT FEAR and LAUGHING UNTIL YOUR CHEEKS HURT!
This particular blog post is dedicated to my most favorite fluffy creature in the universe: My dog, BUDDY! My favorite way to DISTRACT MYSELF so that I can FAST Easier & Longer is to get out and take you for a walk around the neighborhood. I love you so much, Buddy! Thank you for being the one to turn me into a dog lover. You have surely earned your place in my heart FOREVER!
I agree keeping busy is the key.
It sure does help! That’s for sure! Jen