Are you wondering: Can I have cream in my coffee while intermittent fasting?Let’s Spill the Beans and discover whether adding cream to your coffee is a dream or a nightmare while intermittent fasting?

Depending on your health and weight loss goals, should you add cream to your coffee?
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In this post we’ll answer the following questions:
- What is Intermittent Fasting?
- What are the benefits of Intermittent Fasting?
- Does plain black coffee break a fast?
- What exactly does break a fast?
- Can I Have Cream in My Coffee While Intermittent Fasting or Not?
- Can I add anything to my cup of coffee without breaking my fast?
- What are the benefits of drinking plain black coffee?
- What should I do if I can’t stand the taste of plain black coffee?
- When is the best time to enjoy cream in my coffee while intermittent fasting?
What is Intermittent Fasting?
Intermittent Fasting is a food schedule that focuses on WHEN you eat, not WHAT you eat. Intermittent fasting alternates between periods of fasting and periods of feasting. It’s become super popular because it’s pretty flexible and can fit into many lifestyles. Additionally, it can help with accelerated weight loss and can be good for your overall health.
What are the Benefits of Intermittent Fasting?
The list is long when it comes to intermittent fasting benefits. One major advantage is fat loss and weight management.
When we give our body regular periods of rest from not eating, we can help control our calorie intake leading to fat burning, weight loss and improved metabolic health. Intermittent fasting also helps boost energy levels, improve insulin resistance and stabilize blood sugar levels.
Additionally, intermittent fasting has been shown to contribute to various health benefits. Some of these benefits include reducing body inflammation, lowering cholesterol levels and improving blood pressure and even possibly reducing the risk of heart disease. It might also help our brain function better, enhancing mental clarity and memory. Overall, intermittent fasting offers a holistic approach to health, addressing various aspects of our well-being and potentially contributing to a healthier and more energetic life.
Okay, but, what about coffee?
Does Plain Black Coffee Break a Fast?
No, plain black coffee won’t break a fast for a few different reasons.
First, black coffee is virtually calorie-free, containing just a small number of calories per cup, which isn’t enough to disrupt the fasting state. Secondly, the bitterness and natural compounds in coffee don’t cause an insulin spike, as they don’t contain sugars or substantial carbohydrates. Finally, black coffee can actually help curb appetite and boost alertness during fasting, making it, like herbal tea, one of the 4 best drinks to have during intermittent fasting.
However, plain black coffee can sometimes be like listening to the same song on repeat. It’s great, but sometimes you crave a remix and are tempted to dump in a little sugar or a splash of cream. But, will that added cream now break an intermittent fast?
To answer this burning question, we must first understand what exactly disrupts the fasting period.
What Breaks a Fast?
For a fast to be broken during intermittent fasting, you need to consume something that has calories. In other words, if you eat or drink anything that provides your body with energy, like food, sugary drinks, or anything containing calories, it breaks the fast.
However, an intermittent fast can be broken in several ways other than just consuming calories:
- Protein Intake: Even if the food or drink is low in calories, a significant intake of protein can potentially break the fast. Protein is known to stimulate insulin release and may disrupt the fasting state.
- Stimulating Digestion: Consuming foods that stimulate digestion (even if they have minimal or zero calories) can signal your body to switch from fasting to fed mode.
- Blood Sugar Spikes: Certain foods or drinks, even those with a small amount of calories, can cause a rapid increase in blood sugar levels. This can trigger an insulin response and break the fast. This is especially true for high-glycemic foods and sugary drinks.
- Impact on Gut Microbiome: Some ingredients or additives in foods or drinks may affect the gut microbiome. This may potentially disrupt the fasting state.
- Medications and Supplements: Some medications or supplements may contain ingredients that affect insulin levels or have a metabolic impact, potentially breaking the fast.

So Can I Have Cream in My Coffee While Intermittent Fasting or Not?
Alright, here’s the scoop! Adding cream or creamer to your morning cup of joe can indeed break your intermittent fast for several reasons:
- Calories: Cream and creamers contain calories, mainly from fat and sugars, which can disrupt the calorie restriction aspect of fasting.
- Insulin Response: The calories in cream can lead to an insulin response, potentially lowering the fasting benefits.
- Digestive Process: Fat in cream can be absorbed and used as an energy source, contradicting the fasting goal of promoting fat utilization.
- Hunger Stimulation: Creamer’s calories may stimulate hunger, making it harder to maintain fasting.
- Blood Sugar: Creamer often contains artificial sweeteners and can affect blood sugar levels, which is one of the key aspects of fasting.
So, while cream might make your coffee taste like a dream, it’s like inviting a calorie-packed party crasher to your fasting festivities. Your best option is to JUST SAY NO!
Can I Add Anything To My Coffee Without Breaking My Fast?
Although, this is a post about adding cream to your coffee, you might be wondering about other fun coffee additions like unsweetened almond milk, coconut oil, mct oil, coconut milk or oat milk. What about bulletproof coffee with grass-fed butter for those coffee drinkers following the keto diet. Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but all of those extras will also technically break your fast if consumed during your fasting window.
If you want to achieve the absolute best health and weight loss results and benefits associated with intermittent fasting, stick to drinking your coffee black while you are in the fasted state.
What are the Benefits of Drinking Plain Black Coffee?
Drinking plain, unflavored black coffee while fasting can offer numerous health and weight loss benefits. Additionally, coffee is one of the easiest ways to achieve so many amazing benefits like lowering our risk for some diseases including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Cancer and Cirrhosis.
With virtually no calories, black coffee can help sustain the fasting state, allowing your body to tap into stored fat for energy. It has the potential to suppress hunger and the natural caffeine content provides a gentle energy boost that may enhance focus and alertness. Additionally, black coffee is known to boost metabolic rate. It also promotes thermogenesis, which can aid in burning calories. The antioxidants in coffee, such as chlorogenic acid, can also contribute to reducing oxidative stress and inflammation.
What If I Can’t Stand the Taste of Plain Black Coffee?
If you are struggling with the plain black coffee taste, I have two great tips for you to try.
First, invest in drinking high quality coffee. I think this makes ALL THE DIFFERENCE. My absolute favorite, can’t live without black coffee, is STARBUCKS Medium Roast Breakfast Blend. Check it out HERE!

SECOND, you can try adding a pinch of salt to your morning mug. It totally reduces the bitterness and enhances the coffee’s natural flavors. It is called the ALTON BROWN TRICK and it totally works!
When is the Best Time to Enjoy Cream in My Coffee While Intermittent Fasting?
So, when is the best time to enjoy that creamy indulgence in your coffee during your intermittent fasting journey? Well, my fasting friend, it’s when the clock strikes your eating window! You’ve been patient, fasted like a champ, and now it’s your turn to shine! Go ahead, pour that cream, swirl it in, and savor.
The Final Sip
Cream in your morning coffee? While it might seem tempting to sneak it in, remember that waiting until your eating window is like saving the best part of the story for last. It’s a simple strategy that will keep your fasting journey on track and your goals within reach.
And… if you’re ready to go ALL IN and finally lose weight and get healthy FOR GOOD, I’m totally here for YOU! In my INTERMITTENT FASTING and WEIGHT LOSS MASTERCLASS: 6 Weeks to Sexy, I will teach you step-by-step, week-by-week, exactly HOW I lost 46 Pounds in 4 Months with Intermittent Fasting! I’ll share with you every single TIP, TRICK, RECIPE & STRATEGY that I used to reach my goal weight and maintain for over two years now! CLICK HERE if you’re ready to do this TOGETHER!