Today, I will share the 9 best Aldi foods to buy weekly for weight loss and maintenance!
Each and every Sunday afternoon, at approximately 12:15 pm, I have a very hot date that I absolutely do not ever like to break. That very special date is with a German food store, named ALDI.

at Aldi is a great way
to save money on your grocery bill with their lower prices!
The Aldi supermarket chain currently has over 10,000 Aldi locations and serves millions of Aldi customers in the United States, as well as nine additional countries.
I am madly in love with Aldi Foods for so many reasons. The variety, low prices, and the quality of the products are just a few of my favorite benefits. Aldi offers good quality whole foods, fresh produce, many organic products and gluten-free items for a fraction of the price of other grocery stores.
I honestly feel like I’ve won the lottery every time I stand at the checkout counter and the cashier announces my total. It is truly unbelievable!
For the Love of Aldi
I discovered the magic of Aldi in early 2021 on my journey toward better health and weight loss. With the help of so many amazing favorite Aldi products, I lost 46 pounds in just 4 months and have kept it off for well over three years now.
Now, in preparation for an upcoming healthy and happy week, I excitedly grab my reusable bags, head inside and load up my cart with my 9 MUST HAVE weekly ALDI favorite items.
The 9 Best Aldi Foods to Buy (Weekly) for weight loss are: 1. Nuts 2. Baby Cucumbers 3. Nut Milk 4. Yogurt 5. Olive Oil 6. Coconut Oil 7. Mineral Water 8. Cheese and 9. Riced Cauliflower
DISCLAIMER: This post contains affiliate links. If you click one of these links and make a purchase, I may earn a commission at no additional cost to you. In addition, as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Feel Free to read my Full DISCLAIMER Page HERE!
My PROMISE to you: I absolutely promise to ONLY recommend products that I have personally purchased & used myself! I will also ONLY recommend products that I truly believe in & am ecstatic (jumping up & down) about because they have brought real and true value to my life!
Please note that I have conveniently ordered each of these nine amazing Aldi weight loss products based on where they are located in the store. From the moment you enter the front doors, you’ll be able to quickly and easily find these items and add them to your cart. Just follow the list in order and you’ll be good to go. Alright… Let’s get Shopping!
#1 ALDI Food To Buy Weekly : NUTS (Deluxe Mixed Nuts & Macadamias)
Nuts are such a great weight loss and weight maintenance food and each week, I purchase both the Mixed Nuts and the Macadamias at a great price from Aldi.
As you first enter the store, you will notice a large selection of nuts on an end cap just a few feet away. There you should find both the Southern Grove Deluxe Mixed Nuts with Sea Salt and the Macadamias.
Southern Grove Deluxe MIXED NUTS with Sea Salt
These 30 OZ protein and fiber packed mixed nuts make for a delicious and nutritious tummy filling snack. This mix contains a nice variety of almonds, cashews, macadamia nuts, pecans, pistachios and peanuts. Just be sure to read the label carefully! Aldi carries both unsalted and salted varieties. I always grab the “with sea salt” version because of the many amazing health benefits that sea salt has to offer.
I live an intermittent fasting lifestyle and I often like to break my fast with a handful of these nuts while I am cooking and preparing dinner for my family. They are delicious and a perfect small, healthy snack before I enjoy my one large meal for the day.
Southern Grove MACADAMIAS (Oven Roasted)
Oh, how I LOVE Macadamia nuts. Macadamia nuts are so tasty and their health and weight loss benefits are nothing short of remarkable.

In my eyes, macadamia nuts are an absolute SUPER FOOD. Macadamia nuts are a heart-healthy delicious snack that has the ability to improve gut health and boost brain health. As far as weight loss goes, these antioxidant packed nuts reduce hunger, promote feelings of fullness and stabilize blood sugar levels.
I enjoy these particular macadamias from Aldi in many ways. First, I often like to close my eating window with a handful of macadamias paired with a slice of cheese. Due to their healthy fat properties, they keep me feeling fuller for longer and allow me to push further into my next fast. Second, I like to use a handful of crushed macadamias mixed with sour cream to make coated crusted chicken or fish. Finally, I love to mix them in with my salad for dinner.
I love both the Southern Grove Mixed Nuts with Sea Salt, as well as the Macadamias. The Aldi cost for both of these items is very reasonable in comparison to most other brands and stores.
#2 ALDI Food To Buy Weekly: MINI CUCUMBERS
As you travel down the first aisle of the store you will notice the cooled produce section. This is where you will find the cutest, most amazing, mini cucumbers.
Inspired by Flavor Sunset MINI CUCUMBERS

At around just $2.55 per bag at my local store, these mini cucumbers are truly the bomb. I absolutely must buy a 16 oz bag of these each week without fail. I use these almost calorie-free cucumbers to make the most delicious homemade (no sugar added) pickles each and every week. You can check out my super yummy HOMEMADE DILL PICKLE RECIPE right here. They truly make the most simple and satisfying weight loss snack imaginable.
If you don’t particularly love pickles for some crazy reason, you can always just munch on the cucumbers by themselves, dip them in some hummus or chop them up and add to a salad. Grab a bag (or two) for yourself. You will be so glad that you did!
#3 ALDI Food To Buy Weekly: NUT MILK
As you approach the end of the first Aisle you will run right into the refrigerated section of the store. Next, you will want to pick up some delicious, creamy, nut milk.
I love to pick up one of these two awesome nut milks each week at Aldi. Both the “Friendly Farms” Unsweetened Almond Milk and the “Califia Farms” Toasted Coconut & Almond Blend Milks are extremely waist friendly. For a yummy eight fluid ounce serving, both come in at under 45 calories. In addition to being low-calorie, they are both Low-Carb, Low-Sugar, Gluten Free and Soy Free.
My absolute favorite way to enjoy these nut milks is to make a tasty weight loss shake or smoothie each day. I simply combine eight ounces of nut milk with 4-6 coffee ice cubes, one scoop of QUEST Salted Caramel Protein Powder,[Amazon Affiliate Link] one tablespoon of coconut oil and 1/2 container of Two Good Greek Yogurt! Give it a try! I am confident that you will absolutely LOVE it!
If you look to the left, just a few steps away, still in the refrigerator section, you will find the yogurt.
This is honestly the ONLY yogurt that I will buy. I love that it packs in 12 grams of protein and only two grams of sugar per serving. So often, It is very difficult to find yogurt that is not loaded with tons of sugar and other artificial crap. I generally pick up 3-5 containers of this TWO GOOD Greek Yogurt each week when I visit Aldi. Another perk is that it contains a mere 80 calories per serving. Aldi carries a variety of flavors. My favorite flavors are: Vanilla, Coconut and Strawberry.
There are so many fun ways to enjoy this product. As I mentioned above under the nut milk section, I often put a half container of yogurt into my protein smoothie. Sometimes I like to add some low-carb KETO CRUNCH Smart Mix granola to the yogurt for a fun before or after dinner snack. However, my absolute favorite way is to use it to make my easy 3 ingredient Peanut Butter Coconut Weight Loss Dessert!
So, the next aisle over is the “Aldi Deals” fun aisle and the aisle that often gets me into some serious trouble with my husband. If you are one of Aldi’s loyal shoppers, then you definitely know which aisle I am talking about. If you are looking for the best deal on the most unique items – look no further! They have the absolute coolest stuff in this aisle and they stock the shelves in this aisle with brand new goodies each and every Sunday.
Okay, the aisle next to the “fun aisle” is the baking aisle and this is where you can find the next few goodies on my must have weekly food list. In this aisle you can grab a 16.9 ounce bottle of heart healthy “Carlini” brand Extra Virgin Olive Oil at a really good price.
There are so many health and weight loss benefits connected to olive oil. I seriously enjoy cooking with it every single day.
#6 ALDI Food To Buy Weekly: “Simply Nature” COCONUT OIL
We have now come to awesome Aldi weight loss/maintenance food #6 and you don’t even need to leave the baking aisle to find this one. It should be located very close to the olive oil. This magical weekly Aldi weight loss product is Simply Nature brand Organic Coconut Oil and costs under $5.00 for 14 ounces of greatness.

This stuff is such a great buy and I 100 percent believe that organic coconut oil is an absolute weight loss super food! In some way, shape or form, I make sure to consume 1-2 Tablespoons of organic, unrefined coconut oil each day. Additionally, coconut oil boosts metabolism and energy levels, reduces appetite, regulates blood sugar and so much more.
Finally, once I started adding coconut oil to my every day routine, my weight loss results skyrocketed. I consume coconut oil each day in a variety of ways including adding it to my protein shake recipe mentioned above. However, my favorite way to enjoy coconut oil each day is by eating 1-2 of my delicious COCONUT CHOCOLATE FAT BOMBS! You can SNAG a copy of this yummy COCONUT CHOCOLATE FAT BOMB Recipe HERE!
#7 ALDI Food/DRINK To Buy Weekly: “Plain” Sparking MINERAL WATER!
We are now nearing the end of our list. Go ahead and walk to the next aisle over. This is the very last aisle in the store.
Can you say GAME CHANGER??? Oh my Goodness! I absolutely love plain sparkling mineral water. So, as I mentioned earlier, I live an intermittent fasting lifestyle and once I started drinking plain sparkling mineral water, fasting became an absolute breeze!
Honestly, I don’t exactly know what it is, but the bubbles and the carbonation does something truly magical inside your tummy. It not only curbs your appetite and gets rid of those nagging hunger pangs, it legit, makes you feel like you are having a fancy soda (or “pop” as we like to call it here in the mid-west!)
Aldi’s sparkling mineral water price simply can’t be beat and, in my opinion, the taste is just as good as the “fancy” brand name options on the market. Nonetheless, I usually pick up enough of this zero calorie treat for the week so that I can enjoy 1-2 mineral waters at work and another 1-2 in the evening once I get home.
#8 ALDI Food To Buy Weekly: CHEESE
After grabbing your sparkling mineral water, just look across the aisle against the back wall of the store. Here you will see Aldi’s glorious (no joke) “Wall of Cheeses.” Oh my goodness! I seriously get so excited each week when I get to this section because Aldi truly has the best high quality cheese selection.
Aldi, carries about 95 different varieties of cheese. Yum! Talk about creating the most amazing charcuterie board for your next family gathering! I absolutely LOVE everything about cheese. It has the potential to improve the flavor of almost every single meal. Plus… cheese is protein-rich, it accelerates your metabolism and reduces your appetite. That in itself, is a recipe for weight loss success.
Check out my blog post HERE to reveal the 6 best cheeses for weight loss.

If you are looking for some really great recipes that I make with cheeses from Aldi, be sure to check out my blog post: “7 Easy Pleasy” LOW CRAP, HIGH YUM Weight Loss RECIPES!
#9 ALDI Food To Buy Weekly: Season’s Choice”Garlic & Herb” RICED CAULIFLOWER
Yay! We have successfully made it to the very last item on our list – Season’s Choice “Garlic & Herb” Riced Cauliflower. You will find this item in the last aisle, located in the freezer section of the store.

This low-carb, high fiber, antioxidant-rich super food is simply amazing. At just 25 calories per serving, it can be used to make so many healthy recipes. Some of the best include: cauliflower mashed potatoes, stuffed peppers and my absolute favorite DREAMY CREAMY CAULIFLOWER RISOTTO!
Congratulations ALDI Shoppers! You have successfully filled your shopping cart and gathered nine amazing Aldi weight loss products. Now, steer your cart toward the checkout lane with your Nuts, Baby Cucumbers, Nut Milk, Yogurt, Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, Mineral Water, Cheese and Riced Cauliflower. Finally, prepare to be simply AMAZED when the cashier announces your astonishingly low total for all of these weekly Aldi finds and weight loss goodies!
If you are looking for unique Weight Loss & Health TIPS, TRICKS, RECIPES and More be sure to check out my So What IF? with Jen WEBSITE and BLOG RIGHT HERE!
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