Maximize your weight loss results with these 7 hot intermittent fasting tips. Learn how to effectively implement this popular dieting technique for fast and sustainable weight loss. Start your intermittent fasting journey today!
Are you sick and tired of trying every new fad diet and gaining and losing the same 10, 20, or 30 pounds or more? I was too! Luckily, in 2021, I discovered a lifestyle instead of a diet that FINALLY helped me easily lose 46 pounds in 4 months. And, I’ve kept the weight off for over three years now!
In this post I will share 7 HOT intermittent fasting tips for quick and long term weight loss.
These tips include: 1. EATING VEGGIES like a Boss! 2. Breaking your fast with ACV! 3. Exercising in the FASTED STATE! 4. Drinking SPARKLING WATER during your fasting period! 5. Eating a TABLESPOON OF COCONUT OIL Daily! 6. LISTENING TO PODCASTS & SUCCESS STORIES to stay motivated! 7. MIXING UP YOUR FASTING SCHEDULE and always keeping your body guessing!
DISCLAIMER: This post contains affiliate links. If you click one of these links and make a purchase, I may earn a commission at no additional cost to you. In addition, as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Feel Free to read my Full DISCLAIMER Page HERE!
My PROMISE to you: I absolutely promise to ONLY recommend products that I have personally purchased & used myself! I will also ONLY recommend products that I truly believe in & am ecstatic (jumping up & down) about because they have brought real and true value to my life!
What is Intermittent Fasting?
Let’s first answer the question: WHAT EXACTLY IS INTERMITTENT FASTING?
Intermittent Fasting is not your traditional calorie deficit focused diet plan. It’s an eating plan that focuses on WHEN you eat, not WHAT you eat. Intermittent fasting alternates between a fasting period and a feasting period. It’s become super popular because it’s pretty flexible and can fit into many lifestyles. Additionally, this meal plan can help with accelerated weight loss and can be really awesome for your overall long term health goals too.
Intermittent Fasting Tip #1: EAT VEGGIES LIKE A BOSS!
Choosing to dive in and EAT VEGGIES LIKE A BOSS is one of the easiest and most effective intermittent fasting tips and ways to lose weight quickly! The reason for this is because vegetables have fewer calories and are nutrient-dense foods. They are a healthy food that boast a very high water and fiber content, which fills us up and generally reduces our overall calorie intake.
High Fiber foods like veggies are key for weight loss because they move through the digestive tract slowly. Nutritious food keeps us feeling fuller for longer and when we are intermittent fasting this has huge health benefits! We also don’t absorb calories from fiber, so it just provides satisfying volume. In addition, fiber also slows blood sugar and spikes in insulin, which can also slow down the storage of fat.
Some of my very favorite weight loss vegetables include: CAULIFLOWER, MUSHROOMS, KALE, PUMPKIN, ZUCCHINI, SQUASH, SPINACH, BROCCOLI and ROMAINE LETTUCE! I have an Ebook Cookbook that incorporates many of these vegetables into super yummy weight loss dinner recipes. You can check it out RIGHT HERE!

I generally enjoy a salad with fresh vegetables for almost every single meal that I eat. I also have a super yummy homemade ranch dressing recipe that makes each salad that I eat EXTRA DELICIOUS. You can check out my Homemade Ranch Dressing Recipe RIGHT HERE!
Intermittent Fasting Tip #2: BREAK YOUR FAST WITH ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar)
Apple Cider Vinegar is THE BOMB and is, by far, my NUMBER ONE go-to for breaking my intermittent fast. Since adopting an intermittent fasting lifestyle and losing 46 pounds in 4 months, I have been breaking my fast every single day with ACV for almost two years now.

Why apple cider vinegar? OMG! This intermittent fasting tip will help you in so many ways when it comes to weight loss, as well as your health. There are seriously so many amazing benefits to ACV including:
- Stimulates fat burning and aids with Weight Loss
- Improves gut health by killing harmful bacteria
- Stabilizes blood sugar levels
- Lowers insulin levels and improves insulin sensitivity
- Helps make you feel fuller for longer
- Stimulates the digestive tract and improves digestion
- AND…way more really awesome stuff
Since ACV does have a few calories, I do believe that I am technically breaking my fast for the day once I take that very first sip. It is important to note that ACV should most definitely be diluted before drinking it.
The question of whether Apple Cider Vinegar aids with weight loss or not has been a controversial and much debated topic for decades. I know that I personally, have been “Googling” the key words “ACV” and “Weight Loss” for a very long time. Well, I am here to attest to the fact that Apple Cider Vinegar REALLY DOES help you lose weight. I started taking 1-2 Tablespoons daily, mixed into my homemade ACV Weight Loss Cocktail and WOW! No joke, it undeniably catapulted my weight loss results.
MY ACV DAILY ROUTINE – How I Regularly Break My Intermittent Fast
So, I seriously drink this 7 ingredient weight loss cocktail EVERY SINGLE DAY 20-30 minutes before I take my first bite of actual food for the day. Allowing 20-30 minutes before that first bite of solid food will ensure that you are receiving the full health and weight loss benefits that ACV has to offer.
Not only did this ACV weight loss cocktail help me reduce my body weight by 46 pounds, it has aided in keeping the weight off for over a year. I am sure of it. Grab your free copy of my ACV Weight Loss Cocktail Recipe HERE!
7 Hot Intermittent Fasting Tips for Fast Weight Loss!
PLEASE NOTE! It is very important that you buy BRAGG “With the Mother” Apple Cider Vinegar. There are cheaper versions out there but they will definitely not be nearly as effective! Get your hands on your very own BRAGG APPLE CIDER VINEGAR Here!
*FINALLY, please note that 1 Tablespoon of the mixed spices (cinnamon, ginger, cayenne pepper and turmeric) may be a bit much. The best way is to start small with only a teaspoon or 1/2 teaspoon of spices and work your way up to a Tablespoon from there!
And… if you are looking to make your life simpler, feel free to check out my ACV CUBES recipe RIGHT HERE.
If you are interested in learning about the safest foods to break your fast with, you can read my blog post: How to Break Your Intermittent Fast Safely: 8 Best Foods! RIGHT HERE!
This intermittent fasting tip has simply been amazing when it comes to weight loss results. As I raced (sometimes crawled) along my fitness journey, I magically discovered the power of exercising while being in the fasted state!
For many years, we’ve been advised by all the experts to energize our bodies by fueling it with a carb and/or protein-rich snack or smoothie in preparation for an upcoming workout session. I personally spent decades following this advice after reading multiple news articles, diet books, and fitness magazines touting this information.
However, now that I have learned about the POWER OF INTERMITTENT FASTING, I know that eating before a workout is NOT the best weight loss and exercise strategy for me and it might not be the best for you either!
HERE’S THE DEAL! I’m a middle-aged elementary gym teacher, not a doctor, who just so happened to figure out how to STOP DIETING and lose 46 pounds in 4 months. There are so many conflicting weight loss and exercise opinions, which is why I’m not going to “insert” some “fluff medical study” just to try to prove my credibility.
Plain and simple – I am just going off my own personal beliefs and experiences. With that being said, this is what I truly believe happens when you eat something that breaks your “fast” before a workout:
So, there you have it! It’s as simple as that! No SNACKING before SWEATING if you want better results. I would, however, recommend drinking a tall glass of water beforehand to help keep you hydrated and avoid uncomfortable side effects. Along my weight loss journey, I kept a fitness journal (another very important tip) and documented EVERYTHING. I was already exercising 4-6 times per week, however, once I switched to fasted exercise, it absolutely CATAPULTED my results! The difference truly blew me away!
If you are looking to burn more body fat, combat insulin resistance and waste less time, be sure to check out my blog post: 3 Exercise Strategies: How to Lose More Weight and Waste Less Time!
I even have two Amazing EXTRA BONUS TIPS for you:
1. The first thing you can do to get the MOST from this strategy and intermittent fasting tip is… WORKOUT AS FAR INTO YOUR FAST AS YOU POSSIBLY CAN. It really, really works! And, don’t worry! Once you become a Fat-Burner, you will have more energy than you know what to do with! 2. Next, try adding a DAILY 60 SECOND PLANK HOLD to your Exercise Routine. It has made a WORLD OF DIFFERENCE with helping me to LOSE MORE WEIGHT and GAIN MORE MUSCLE MASS and CORE STRENGTH!
Can you say GAME CHANGER??? Oh my Goodness, this intermittent fasting tip has definitely been a big one. Once I started drinking plain sparkling water, fasting became an absolute breeze! I don’t exactly know what it is but the bubbles and the carbonation does something truly magical inside your tummy.
It not only curbs your appetite and gets rid of those nagging hunger pangs, it legit, makes you feel like you are having a fancy soda (or “pop” as we like to call it here in the mid-west!)
However, if I’m being 100 percent honest with you (which I promise to always be), I didn’t really like plain sparkling/mineral water when I first tried it. However, I was tiring of drinking only plain water, herbal teas, and black coffee during my fasting period, so I gave it a whirl. Well… within just one week, I was HOOKED! I have now very happily enjoyed 1-2 sparkling waters every single day for the last few years.
My favorite sparkling water brands are: LaCroix “Innocent” and “PurAqua Italian Sparkling Water” (this can only be found at Aldi Grocery Stores). I love them both because they are super yummy and super cheap! Just make sure it is plain so it DOES NOT BREAK YOUR FAST!
In my case, I am certain that a tablespoon of coconut oil a day keeps the weight gain away and contributes to a very healthy diet. I believe coconut oil is an absolute SUPER FOOD. I’ve found that eating a low-carb diet combined with healthy fats can lead to all sorts of amazing health and weight loss benefits including more abdominal fat loss, higher energy levels, lower blood sugars and insulin levels, reduced risk of heart disease, lower triglycerides and a fantastic feeling of SATIETY.
And…don’t let the calories in healthy fats scare you. I have not counted a single calorie in almost two years! However, I have easily kept off the weight that I lost.
Coconut Oil is, by far, my very favorite healthy fat! When you choose to fill up on healthy fats, you will feel so satisfied. It will help you to feel full sooner. I love this because as an intermittent faster, healthy fats help me easily fast longer! Once I discovered this awesome intermittent fasting tip, as well as the potential benefits, my “IF” journey became so much more enjoyable. My taste buds have completely changed and my cravings for “fake” artificially sweetened unhealthy foods are pretty much non-existent!
I still have a huge sweet tooth which is why for my last meal and dessert almost every single night, I enjoy 2-3 yummy coconut oil infused coconut chocolate fat bombs. They leave me feeling full, completely satisfied and ready to start my next fast. The main ingredient in them is coconut oil, which has been an absolute weight loss game-changer for me!
So, if you can get in 1-2 Tablespoons of coconut oil each day, preferably at the END of your eating window, you will be well on your way to becoming a FAT-BURNING Machine!
When it comes to improving our health and losing weight, I believe it is so important to have the support of others.
I can’t tell you how much this helped me push through on my journey. As much as I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the intermittent fasting healthy lifestyle now, I had many ups and downs along the way. I will not lie to you! The first two weeks ABSOLUTELY SUCKED! I wanted to quit more than a few times. I absolutely have always loved the quote “There are no traffic jams along the extra mile” and I have always tried to live my life putting extra into all that I do, which is why I knew I WOULD NOT QUIT!
About one month into my journey I had hit a major weight loss plateau after experiencing great results for the first four weeks. It was about that time that I came across my very favorite podcast: INTERMITTENT FASTING STORIES Hosted by Gin Stephens. I started at the beginning and every day when I was getting ready for work, driving to work and driving home from work I was listening to an episode of one of her IF success stories. So many people were having such great results that it inspired me and lit a new fire under me. I found a blank journal and after every success story episode I wrote down 1-2 tips that I picked up from that successful person.
When I was losing weight and getting healthy, listening to success stories and testimonials of regular people motivated me more than anything else. I devoured all of the information and intermittent fasting tips that I could find in Facebook groups, Success Story Podcasts and more!
This is why I decided to start a So What IF? with Jen Intermittent Fasting Facebook Support group in February of 2022. The group has since grown to almost 3,000 members, with like-minded intermittent fasters from all over the world. This is a safe place where we SUPPORT each other while SHARING many great intermittent fasting/weight loss TESTIMONIALS and health TIPS, TRICKS, CHALLENGES, RECIPES and more! We would love to have you JOIN OUR “IF” SUPPORT GROUP if you aren’t already a member.
So More Pretty Cool Stuff
I’ve even had a few other super cool things happen since I hit and have maintained my health and weight loss goals. First, I was featured on the Testimonial page on Gin Stephens’ website. You can *CLICK HERE TO READ MY FULL SUCCESS STORY featured on her site.
Next, I had the honor and privilege of being a guest (Episode #237) on Gin’s INTERMITTENT FASTING STORIES PODCAST. I was able to share my weight loss success story and intermittent fasting tips with Gin. It was so fun. You can listen to the podcast episode that aired September 8, 2022, right HERE! I’d love for you to check it out and let me know what you think!
AND… my weight loss success story was just recently featured on the very first page of Gin Stephens’ newest best-selling book, CLEAN(ISH). WooHoo! I am still geeking out about this!
From alternate-day fasting to OMAD, or the Warrior Diet, finding an intermittent fasting plan that works “just right” for YOU can be a bit tricky! It often takes some serious trial and error. This is an intermittent fasting tip that can get a little frustrating at times. But.. I have good news for you. I’ve already done the “trial” and “error” part for almost two years now. So, I’m happy to be your guinea pig.
I have most definitely found that, like the saying says, VARIETY really is the spice of life. When it comes to fasting, it’s so important to avoid getting too comfortable. You definitely don’t want to do the same thing day after day. Intermittent fasting is flexible and offers many different ways to be successful. I mix up my routine and fasting methods to keep my metabolism humming and my body guessing. I now have a good understanding of what I must do to maintain my weight within a 5 pound range.
Want to Learn More?
CLICK HERE if you’re interested in learning about the weekly Hybrid Fasting Schedule and Methods that I currently use to maintain my weight.
And hey, if you’re Ready to JUMPSTART your intermittent fasting journey, you can grab my 3 Week Weight Loss Plan RIGHT HERE.
Or, you can easily snag my 53 Intermittent Fasting Recipe ebook RIGHT HERE. It comes complete with my 53 favorite low-carb intermittent fasting weight loss recipes. These are the exact recipes that helped me lose 46 pounds in just 4 months.
CONCLUSION – Intermittent Fasting Tips that Work!
So, in conclusion, if you are ready to BURN SOME SERIOUS FAT, LOSE WEIGHT FAST and START EXPERIENCING THE MANY BENEFITS OF INTERMITTENT FASTING don’t forget to follow these key intermittent fasting tips:
If you’re looking for even more intermittent fasting and weight loss support? I’d sure love to help you FIND Freedom FAST. Check out my 6 Week INTERMITTENT FASTING & WEIGHT LOSS MASTERCLASS RIGHT HERE. In this 39 lesson coaching video course, I will guide you step-by-step until you reach complete success with intermittent fasting.
You can check out my intermittent fasting coaching course RIGHT HERE!