These 3 popular Amazon weight loss products really do work! These 3 Amazon MUST-HAVE products helped me lose 46 pounds in just 4 months and keep it off for over three years now!
Do you HATE DIETING but desperately want to lose weight? Have you tried countless weight loss diets and products that delivered zero results? Are you frustrated because you have wasted hundreds (maybe thousands) of dollars on weight loss products that simply JUST DON’T WORK?
If you answered “yes” to any of these, I have been right where you are and it flat out stinks! At the end of 2020, at 45 years old, I was at my breaking point! And then, something completely magical happened! I read the life-changing book DELAY, DON’T DENY by Gin Stephens and was introduced to the INTERMITTENT FASTING Lifestyle.
I read that book in January of 2021 and my life hasn’t been the same since.
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My PROMISE to you: I will ONLY recommend products that I have personally purchased & used myself! I will also ONLY recommend products that I am ecstatic (jumping up & down) about because they have brought real value & joy to my life!
I used these three amazing AMAZON weight loss Products daily in conjunction with my intermittent fasting lifestyle. As a result, I lost 46 pounds in 4 months. I have maintained my weight loss by continuing to use these three products daily! WHY? Because they REALLY DO WORK!

After doing a ton of research on the benefits of coconut oil, I began taking 1-2 Tablespoons of Organic Coconut Oil per day about two months into my weight loss journey. I am certain that coconut oil has had a profound impact on both my weight loss and health journey because I documented EVERYTHING. Once I began adding coconut oil to my daily routine, my weight loss results skyrocketed and my overall health improved immensely.
The weight loss benefits and results of ingesting 1-2 tablespoons of organic Coconut Oil daily are nothing short of mind-blowing. Coconut oil is a very healthy fat that contains zero carbs. Studies have shown that coconut oil is “thermogenic” which means eating it tends to rev up your metabolism and increase fat burning in the body. Coconut oil also boosts energy levels, reduces your appetite and keeps you feeling full. In addition, it can help keep your hormones balanced, regulate blood sugar and reduce abdominal fat.
Some of my favorite ways to incorporate coconut oil into my daily routine include:
- Cook and bake with Coconut Oil. Swap out the use of butter and other cooking and baking oils for coconut oil.
- Add 1-2 Tablespoons of coconut oil to your favorite smoothie.
- Add it to your coffee for an instant healthy and super yummy creamer replacement.
- Drizzle melted coconut oil over yogurt or popcorn. Just pop a spoonful or two of coconut oil into the microwave and heat for about 20 seconds. It will completely change to a liquid form. Drizzle away and enjoy the yumminess!
My ABSOLUTE FAVORITE WAY to enjoy coconut oil daily is by eating one of my delicious homemade Low-Carb COCONUT FAT BOMBS. Grab your FREE RECIPE HERE!
PLEASE NOTE! It is very important that you buy coconut oil that is labeled: ORGANIC, VIRGIN, COLD PRESSED and UNREFINED! There are cheaper versions out there that are labeled “refined”! Please DO NOT BUY those as they will not be nearly as effective! I absolutely LOVE the KIRKLAND ORGANIC COCONUT OIL because it is both cost effective and it really does work!
Get your hands on your very own KIRKLAND COCONUT OIL HERE!
Amazon Weight Loss Product #2 – QUEST PROTEIN POWDER

Protein powder can absolutely be a great addition to your weight loss routine, however, all protein powders should not be treated equally. This is why it is extremely important to be label conscious, especially if your main goal is weight loss. Unfortunately, so many protein powders on the market today are loaded with boatloads of crappy ingredients including extra sugars and artificial fillers.
I found and started using Quest protein powder about a month into beginning my successful weight loss journey. It has fully supported my weight loss efforts and has helped to build and maintain my lean muscle mass.
I love Quest protein powder for so many reasons. First, the taste is unbelievably delicious. The Quest powder doesn’t have that yucky chemical aftertaste that so many protein powders on the market have. Next, Quest’s protein powders are low-calorie, low-carb and low-sugar! Finally, Quest has so many different protein powder flavors. My absolute favorite is the SALTED CARAMEL but the vanilla, peanut butter and cinnamon toast crunch flavors are super yummy too.
Some of my favorite ways to incorporate Quest Protein Powder into my daily routine include:
- Put a scoopful into a smoothie. I dump one scoop into a smoothie made with almond milk, coffee ice cubes and Coconut Greek yogurt! Yum!
- Put 1-2 teaspoons into your coffee and use as a super yummy creamer!
- Use it to make low-carb, low-sugar, mason jar ice cream!
My ABSOLUTE FAVORITE WAY to enjoy QUEST PROTEIN POWDER daily is by adding it to my delicious homemade Low-Carb COCONUT FAT BOMB RECIPE. Grab your FREE RECIPE HERE!
Get your hands on your very own QUEST PROTEIN POWDER HERE! You will be so glad that you did!
Amazon Weight Loss Product #3 – BRAGG APPLE CIDER VINEGAR

The question of whether Apple Cider Vinegar aids with weight loss or not has been a controversial and much debated topic for decades. I know that I personally, have been “Googling” the key words “ACV” and “Weight Loss” for a very long time. Well, I am here to attest to the fact that Apple Cider Vinegar REALLY DOES help you lose weight. I started taking 1-2 Tablespoons daily, mixed into my homemade ACV Weight Loss Cocktail and WOW! No joke, it undeniably catapulted my weight loss results.
So, I seriously drink this 7 ingredient weight loss cocktail EVERY SINGLE DAY 20-30 minutes before I take my first bite of food for the day. Not only did this ACV weight loss cocktail help me lose 46 pounds, it has aided in keeping the weight off for over a year. I am sure of it. Grab your free copy of my ACV Weight Loss Cocktail Recipe HERE!
I could go on and on and on about the amazing benefits of apple cider vinegar. I won’t bore you but I will mention some of the coolest benefits.
Some of The Many Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar!
- Aids in Weight Loss
- Lowers Blood Sugar Levels
- Improves Gut Health & Digestion
- Detoxes & Cleanses the Body
- Helps Reduce Inflammation in the Body
- And way more cool benefits
PLEASE NOTE! It is very important that you buy BRAGG “With the Mother” Apple Cider Vinegar. There are cheaper versions out there but they will definitely not be nearly as effective!
Get your hands on your very own BRAGG APPLE CIDER VINEGAR Here!
If you are done wasting time and money on weight loss products that do not work, check out these three Amazon Weight Loss products that REALLY DO WORK! Finally, be sure to check out my So What IF? with Jen WEBSITE and BLOG for more weight loss TIPS, TRICKS, RECIPES and more!
WEBSITE & BLOG/So What IF? with Jen