These 3 popular Amazon weight loss books really do work! They helped me lose 46 pounds in just 4 months and keep it off for over three years now!
Are you sick and tired of being overweight? Have you tried countless fad diets that ultimately delivered zero results? Are you frustrated because you have wasted hundreds (maybe thousands) of minutes or hours reading weight loss books that simply JUST DON’T WORK?
If you answered “yes” to any of these, I get it. I totally do. Until about a year ago, my “health bookshelf” in my office was home to 39 (I counted) dust-covered weight loss and diet books.
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My PROMISE to you: I will ONLY recommend products that I have personally purchased & used myself! I will also ONLY recommend products that I am ecstatic (jumping up & down) about because they have brought real value & joy to my life!

At the end of 2020, at 45 years old, I was at my breaking point when something completely magical happened! I read the life-changing book DELAY, DON’T DENY by Gin Stephens[Amazon Affiliate Link] and was introduced to the INTERMITTENT FASTING Lifestyle.
I read these three amazing AMAZON weight loss books just as I was introduced to and beginning my intermittent fasting weight loss journey.
The 3 Life-Changing Popular Amazon Weight Loss Books: Delay, Don’t Deny, Fast.Feast. Repeat and The Obesity Code!
The information in these three books gave me the powerful knowledge I needed to be successful with intermittent fasting and as a result, I lost 46 pounds in 4 months. I went from a Size 12 to a Size 0 and have maintained my weight loss for over three years now. I read them in this particular order and I would highly recommend that any beginner do the same. WHY? Because the weight loss information inside is absolutely priceless and… IT REALLY DOES WORK!
- DELAY, DON’T DENY (Living an Intermittent Fasting Lifestyle) by Gin Stephens
- FAST. FEAST. REPEAT. by Gin Stephens
- THE OBESITY CODE (Unlocking the Secrets of Weight Loss) by Jason Fung, MD)
Amazon Weight Loss Book #1 – DELAY, DON’T DENY by Gin Stephens (Read First)

This book is best for people who are just getting started with Intermittent Fasting. This is an extremely quick and easy read and the author, Gin Stephens is very relatable. Her writing style is actually quite entertaining. I think I read the whole book in less than four hours. Delay, Don’t Deny COMPLETELY changed my life & I believe it is a first MUST READ book!
Get your hands on your very own copy of DELAY, DON’T DENY Right HERE!
Amazon Weight Loss Book #2 – FAST. FEAST. REPEAT, by Gin Stephens (Read Second)
I believe this book is best for people who have already read Delay, Don’t Deny and have been fasting for at least a few weeks. Additionally, FAST. FEAST. REPEAT , also written by Gin Stephens, goes more into the science of Intermittent Fasting in an easy to understand way. FAST. FEAST. REPEAT includes and gives many fantastic, practical and easy to implement intermittent fasting tips!
Get your hands on your very own copy of FAST. FEAST. REPEAT Right HERE!
Amazon Weight Loss Book #3 – THE OBESITY CODE, by Jason Fung, MD (Read Third)

This book really is best for people who want to learn the real science behind Intermittent Fasting and why it works. The Obesity Code gives a ton of great info on the power of autophagy. It is quite heavy on the science which is why I ABSOLUTELY LOVE it!
Get your hands on your very own copy of THE OBESITY CODE Right HERE!
If you are done wasting time and money on weight loss books that do not deliver, I HIGHLY recommend that you check out these three Amazon Weight Loss books that REALLY DO WORK!
Finally, be sure to check out my So What IF? with Jen WEBSITE and BLOG for more weight loss TIPS, TRICKS, RECIPES and more!
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