Get ready to be inspired by 16 INCREDIBLE intermittent fasting weight loss testimonials! This post will highlight how REAL PEOPLE got REAL intermittent fasting weight loss RESULTS!
I’m Jen and Intermittent fasting completely changed my life. After losing 46 Pounds in 4 Months, I KNEW I had to SHARE my STORY, SUCCESS & SECRETS with OTHERS!
So, on FEBRUARY 20, 2022, I started the So What IF? with Jen, FACEBOOK GROUP! This very positive & supportive INTERMITTENT FASTING group is a safe place where we come together to share helpful intermittent fasting weight loss TESTIMONIALS, TIPS, TRICKS, RECIPES, SUCCESSES & CHALLENGES!
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My PROMISE to you: I absolutely promise to ONLY recommend products that I have personally purchased & used myself! I will also ONLY recommend products that I truly believe in & am ecstatic (jumping up & down) about because they have brought real and true value to my life!
In this post:
- You will meet 16 REAL PEOPLE who joined So What IF? with Jen and got REAL INTERMITTENT FASTING WEIGHT LOSS RESULTS!
- Learn intermittent fasting plan (OMAD, Alternate-day fasting, etc) TIPS that guided them toward significant weight loss and getting the best results possible!
You will hear motivating stories from both, men and women, young and old, who used intermittent fasting to help them reach their health and weight loss goals!
Alright, let’s get started by diving into the REALLY GOOD STUFF!
16 Intermittent Fasting Weight Loss Testimonials!
1. AMANDA’S Intermittent Fasting Results
“I love how easy this program is and how I can keep it up as a new way of life.” – Amanda
AMANDA’S WORDS (August 2022): “My IF journey began 6 months ago when I was introduced to this program by Jen. I have tried many different diets in the past and I would lose some weight but never kept it off because I couldn’t stick with it.
IF is different for me because I can still eat what I want. I just have to eat it during my window. I have lost 35 lbs and 24 inches ( 3 pants sizes) and I’m still going strong. My foot pain and knee pain are gone and I have so much energy that I don’t even need coffee some days. I have even learned to drink my coffee black which was the most challenging thing about IF.
I think the best part is how easy this program is and how I can keep it up as a new way of life.”
2. LINDA THOMPSON – Intermittent Fasting Weight Loss Testimonial
“IF worked excellent for me. I lost over 30 pounds in about 4 months and have kept it off just by sticking to a schedule of 18 hours of fasting/6 hours of eating.” – Linda

LINDA’S WORDS (September, 2022): “My daughter, Jen (So What IF? with Jen) told me about intermittent fasting back in March of 2021 and I knew I needed to lose some weight. So, I thought, why not try this? I decided to jump right in and surprisingly, it worked awesome for me – even at my age. Then, after Jen’s next recommendation, we started getting Hello Fresh Meals Delivered 2 – 3 times a week for portion control. I stuck to the 18 hour (fast) – 6 hour (eat) schedule.
I lost over 30 pounds in about 4 months and have kept it off just by doing the same thing.
Jen, I feel blessed to be your mom and I’m so thankful that you introduce meals and foods to us that your dad and I love to try. Lucky for me, he is not a picky eater, so that helps.
Diet has always been a bad four-letter word and I won’t do that. I’m known for loving every kind of food and being genetically blessed with good health. This has been life-changing and so easy to do.
Tips from Linda
During the 6 hours, I eat whatever I want within reason, but my first meal go-to is Greek Yogurt with blueberries and raspberries, a bit of cinnamon (weight loss spice), a little granola, coffee, and 2 of the Belveta cookies. I have a sweet tooth and haven’t given up eating a cookie, candy, or a little cake every day. I’m sure that is something I should work on.
I have lots of energy and I feel great. I usually walk about 2-4 miles a day on the treadmill. I’m a believer and have witnessed the many great changes in what IF has done for so many people. Jen, I am so proud of you for helping others to live their best life, too, and I love reading these success stories and seeing all of the people that you have introduced Intermittent Fasting to.”
3. DON’S Success Story
“I was worried about energy but I have found that when I am in fat-burning mode I actually have MORE energy. – Don
DON’S WORDS (July, 2022):I started Intermittent Fasting in April of 2022. I started with a 16:8 (16 hours of fasting and an eight-hour window) eating pattern. After reading Delay, Don’t Deny by Gin Stephens I was hooked and found it relatively easy to slowly adjust my eating and fasting period until I was at a 20:4 schedule with One Meal a Day.
So far, I have lost 35 pounds and I feel GREAT! I was worried about energy but I have found that when I am in fat-burning mode I actually have MORE energy. I am excited to see the changes my body is making, and I believe my lifestyle has really changed!”
4. TINA ROSEBERRY – Intermittent Fasting Weight Loss Testimonial
“Then I started breaking my fasts with Jen’s appetite correction drink! That took some getting used to! I was already starting to feel a lot of non-weight loss victories! My consistent headaches I had weekly, were soon gone, my knees and hips that consistently hurt were no longer hurting and my energy levels dramatically increased.“
Tina’s WORDS (August, 2022):“I have battled my weight for the last 20 years, trying every diet at one point or another with little success. After seeing pictures of myself from my daughter’s open house in June of 2021 I made a decision to do whatever I could to lose weight. My oldest daughter was getting married in June 2022 and I didn’t want to hate the way I looked in every picture.
I was so desperate I considered gastric bypass surgery but decided to give myself one last chance to do it on my own. So, I started with a keto diet, which I had some success with in the past. Then, I added a consistent exercise routine. I was seeing some results but they were very slow. With the encouragement of a coworker, I started intermittent fasting in the fall of 2021. The problem was I did not properly educate myself on how to fast and was consistently dirty fasting. By November, I was down 30 pounds and was feeling good about my results. Then the holiday parties and meals that followed set me back 10 pounds.
Tips from Tina
In early January, I was so discouraged that I had allowed myself to slip backwards and had spent the last 7 months working hard to have only lost 20 pounds. I needed to focus if there was any chance of me getting the results I had been working so hard towards.
A few days later Jen started her free Facebook Intermittent Fasting group and it was exactly what I needed at that time. I joined the group and immediately read Delay don’t deny. My mind was blown. I could really relate to the lifelong weight struggles and finally understood what it meant to fast. I knew what I needed to do to correct what I had done to my body for years.
So, I jumped both feet in and started IF immediately doing a 20:4 fasting routine and continuing my keto diet in my eating window. I started tracking my water intake and realized how dehydrated I was. I set goals for myself weekly and started tracking everything I was doing so I could better understand what was or wasn’t working for me. Within two weeks I had drastically changed my eating habits and lifestyle.
It didn’t take me long to realize I had insulin resistance and it was going to take me awhile to work at correcting this before I was going to see the results I was hoping for. I was losing weight but very slowly, although I was watching my body shape change dramatically. I was losing inches but not much weight. By week 3, I was now practicing a 22:2 fasting schedule, drinking about a gallon of water a day, and losing about 1.5 pounds/week.
Then I started breaking my fasts with Jen’s acv appetite correction drink ! That took some getting used to! I was already starting to feel a lot of non weight loss victories! My consistent headaches I had weekly were gone, my knees and hips that consistently hurt were no longer hurting and my energy levels dramatically increased. On week 5, I challenged myself to do my first extended fast of 44 hours. I had no idea if I was going to be able to accomplish this and was amazed how easy it really was. All mind over matter. My body was not craving food…my mind, however -that was another story. But, I focused and I did it.
I felt so amazing and accomplished that I made a commitment to do an extended fast once a week. This is when I really started to see my blood sugar levels improving and even more weight loss. I was averaging 3-5 pounds a week. By the time of the wedding on 6/18/22 I had lost 62 lbs and felt so much better both physically and mentally.
I cannot foresee myself living any other way for the rest of my life. I have since gone on several vacations and allowed myself to eat differently and increased my eating window but jumped right back into IF when the vacations were over. I’ve consistently seen success and weight loss and I am thrilled to be down 70 pounds and 5″ on my measurements at this point.
Realistically, I still have a ways to go to reach my goal weight, but I now know this is something I can achieve with IF. I feel so blessed that this group came into my life when it did. I continue to be educated and inspired by everyone in it weekly! Thank you!”
“I am 71 years old and have lost 28 pounds with intermittent fasting. I sleep better, my arthritis has cleared up, I have more energy and I just FEEL SO MUCH BETTER OVERALL.”
VALDA’S WORDS (August, 2022):“I am 71 years old and have dropped 28 pounds of body weight with intermittent fasting. I have gone from a Size 12 to a Size 4/6 and a Size XS shirt. I started dabbling with IF a couple of years ago and lost a little bit of weight.
Then, when Jen started this Facebook group it helped me tremendously! I read DELAY, DON’T DENY and realized I was “Dirty Fasting.” I started “clean fasting” and finally lost that last bit of weight that just would not come off. After that, I started fasting longer with a 21:3 schedule. I am a strict vegetarian and eat nuts, and limit dairy and processed foods.
I am now in weight maintenance so I am a little more flexible with my fasting schedule. The NSV’s I have experienced are many and include: sleeping better, my arthritis has cleared up, I have more energy and I just feel better overall. Thank you, Jen for starting this So What IF? with Jen Facebook group!”
“Aside from the pounds lost I have experienced many non-scale victories! I sleep better, have fewer headaches/neck aches/back aches, better skin, more energy, increased libido, and I just feel GOOD”
STACY’S WORDS (August, 2022): I first began IF at the beginning of March. I had done fasting in the past with success, however I have since learned that what I was doing was “dirty fasting”. That worked fairly well for me in my thirties, but as I approached my mid-forties it just wasn’t cutting it. The weight just wasn’t coming off and I was feeling pretty crappy.
I live a pretty stressful and busy life, like most of us. I knew I had to lose weight but was not inspired. Then I saw that Jen started this group. It was EXACTLY what I needed at the right time!
I have since learned how to fast cleanly, as well as so many other great tips along the way! I never had a problem going a long time without food, but once I started fasting correctly I could not believe how quickly I was seeing results and how much better I was starting to feel.
Aside from the pounds lost I have many non-scale victories! I sleep better, have fewer headaches/neck aches/back aches, better skin, more energy, increased libido, and I just feel GOOD!
So far I have lost 30 lbs with a soft goal of losing 10 more. I have really enjoyed my summer and have had a lot of “cheat” days lately. But that’s what I think I love the best about IF: you just pick up where you were, give yourself some grace, and move on.
IF has been a game changer and I know it’s something I can stick with for the rest of my life.
Thank you, Jen!!!”
7. STEVE & JEAN KEISER – Intermittent Fasting Weight Loss Testimonial
“NOTHING has ever worked for us like this has!!! -STEVE & JEAN KEISER
STEVE and JEAN’s WORDS (May, 2022):“We are loving this program. Steve is down 47 pounds and I am down about 25 pounds. I’m down at least four pant sizes. We really wish we would have taken our body measurements and before pictures. One of our daughters is not supportive of us but we keep telling her all of the benefits of it.
Steve’s sister joined Jen’s group after seeing our success. After switching to the clean fast it made a big difference. We are both OMAD (One Meal A Day) and we average about 22 hours of fasting with about a 2-3 hour eating window. We try to eat healthy – grilled vegetables, chicken and fish are our new diet staples. Also, we have tried a lot of Jen’s recipes from her Ebook Cookbook. The chicken noodle-less soup was great. We also eat a coconut fat bomb daily and we still have occasional alcohol and drinks. We eat chips and desserts too. NOTHING has ever worked for us like this.
I really didn’t think I could do it, let alone stick to it – but here we are!”
“Intermittent Fasting made sense to me as far as WHEN my body needed to be fueled. So now on this journey…equipped with an understanding of what my body needs… I feel SUCCESSFUL and ENERGIZED – not overwhelmed by having to stick to a specific way of eating!” – SONJA
SONJA’S WORDS: Over the years I have tried many diets. These diets taught me how to read labels and understand what I was fueling my body with… HOWEVER they were NOT SUSTAINABLE! They “worked” briefly but not long term. And I use the word worked “loosely” here.
Intermittent Fasting made sense to me as far as WHEN my body needed to be fueled. So now, on this journey…equipped with an understanding of what my body needs… I feel SUCCESSFUL and ENERGIZED – not overwhelmed by having to stick to a specific way of eating!
I make sure to exercise or at the very least, move my body (walks with light dumbbells in tow, bike riding, dancing, playing with my kids) each day and I‘ve gone on to lose 31 POUNDS IN JUST A FEW MONTHS!
9. ANNETTE HAJEC – Intermittent Fasting Weight Loss Testimonial
“I am so fortunate to have my husband, friends and family enjoying the benefits of IF with me. We really encourage each other, and that has been life changing. I’m thankful every day to Jen Tiemann and the wisdom and encouragement shared by the So What IF? with Jen community.” – ANNETTE
ANNETTE’S WORDS (June, 2022):“Hi, I am Annette Hajec and I am 52. It is my honor to share my success with you. My journey began the day Jen started her IF Facebook group in February of 2022! After I read her initial post, I knew not only was IF something I could do, but I could finally stop counting calories and trying new fat diets. I have lost 14 pounds and have incredible amounts of energy. Once I kicked my cream and Splenda coffee habit, which I never thought I could do, I saw immediate results. I am religious about using the Life app and owe a lot of my success to it for keeping me accountable.
I thought the main benefit of IF would be the weight loss. Weight loss is great, but I feel like I finally have control of the food I am eating. I have spent decades in a cycle of: eating, feeling guilty about what I just ate, promising myself I’ll do better tomorrow, repeat. The cycle is finally broken and ALL the benefits I’ve experienced so far are immeasurable on any scale. My focus now is to eat as healthy as I can, gain muscle and increase flexibility.
. I am so fortunate to have my husband, friends and family enjoying the benefits of IF with me. We really encourage each other, and that has been life changing. I’m thankful every day to Jen Tiemann and the wisdom and encouragement shared by the So What IF community. Thank you!! I AM STILL SO EXCITED ABOUT IT!”
10. MARGIE DOHERTY – Intermittent Fasting Weight Loss Testimonial
“I plan on “playing with my grandkids, dancing at their weddings, and holding their babies…and beyond.” -MARGIE DOHERTY
MARGIE’S WORDS, (May, 2022) I began my IF journey on March 4, 2022. In just 8 weeks, I lost 23.2 pounds. I have now gone on to lose just over 31 pounds. I’ve also experienced many NSVs (Non-Scale Victories) including almost zero body aches, clothes fitting better, no headaches, brain fog lifting and I still have a little dessert almost every day.
I have a big WHY and that #1 Goal is propelling my journey to enjoy my grandkids and one day, their kids. Dementia is pretty strong in my family and I’m working to break that curse, along with heart disease. I plan on “playing with my grandkids, dancing at their weddings, and holding their babies…and beyond.” I have been mostly following a 20/4 fasting schedule (otherwise known as the “Warrior Diet”). I eat mostly low carb/Keto because of the medical studies about ketosis and brain function/mental health.
11. AMY O’ROURKE-SMITH – Intermittent Fasting Weight Loss Testimonial
“I have more room in my brain for more important things than hating on myself and my eating choices. I can’t believe how much time I spent in the past thinking about what I was eating, planning, organizing, failing, falling off the wagon, jumping back on. Ugh! I’m so glad to be done with that!” AMY
AMY’S WORDS “Since February 21, 2022 and a week-long trip to California (where I did not fast at all like I should. I ate pretty normal 3 meals a day and had a lot of sangria with my sisters), I have lost 25 pounds and 22 ½ inches. I have gone from a Size 16 jeans to a Size 10. My blood pressure is down and my heart rate is down. Stress levels are down. My patience level is way up and my ability to focus is way up too. My migraines are nearly gone, where I used to have them at least once or twice a week. WooHoo! Thank you for sharing your journey, Jen, and inspiring me to join you!
I’ve really enjoyed the mental break that intermittent fasting has afforded me. I‘m thrilled to not be thinking, constantly, about what I should and should not be eating. I am thrilled to not be shaming myself because I chose to eat something that was not on my ‘OK to eat list’ and then promising myself that I’ll do better tomorrow. I’m at peace now. I have more room in my brain for more important things than hating on myself and my eating choices. I can’t believe how much time I spent in the past thinking about what I was eating, planning, organizing, failing, falling off the wagon, jumping back on. Ugh! I’m so glad to be done with that!
Just like Gin’s book (DDD) says, I’m not denying myself anything, but instead learning that some foods do indeed make me not feel so great. I do avoid those foods because I want to feel good, not because my diet of the season is telling me to avoid it. This is so FREEING! Thank you, Jen and Gin!”
12. ANNE CAPONIGRO – Intermittent Fasting Weight Loss Testimonial
“I had a pretty crazy last part of April with an unexpected surgery that led to some emotional turmoil but IF helped ground me instead of derail me.” Anne
ANNE’S WORDS: “I started IF on March 1st of 2022. I’m down 19 pounds so far and feel amazing! I’m kicking myself for not measuring my body because I know I’m down inches in many places. My clothes fit way better. People are starting to notice!!!
I had a pretty crazy last part of April with an unexpected surgery that led to some emotional turmoil but IF helped ground me instead of derail me. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to stick to the Intermittent Fasting diet plan for the 10 days that I was on pain meds, but I didn’t gain any weight! I was able to jump right back in and have a new goal of losing 5 more pounds by June 1st.
Besides the weight loss, my hair is healthier, my teeth are whiter, and I have SO MUCH energy! I absolutely LOVE it.”
“My knees feel better and I am down 20 pounds so far. Jen’s IF Facebook group started at exactly the right time for me”. -KIM
KIM’S WORDS: (June, 2022) “I have been onboard since February 22, 2022, the next day after Jen first started her IF group.
These are some things that have worked for me. *Cutting out snacks after 8pm and exercising while I am fasting. In May, we started using GREEN CHEF (like Jen) with 3 Keto meals per week.
I started slow with IF with one week of 16:8, then 17:7 & then 18:6 and have hovered around those three fasting schedules with one longer 19 or 20 hour fast per month. My knees feel better and I am down 20 pounds so far. Jen’s IF Facebook group started at exactly the right time for me.
Thank you, Jen, for your help feeling better than ever!”
14. JEN MITCHELL – Intermittent Fasting Weight Loss Testimonial
“To my surprise the weight slowly started coming off ( and is still slow to drop off) and that was enough inspiration to keep with it. As of today I have lost 21 LBS and many inches all over my body.” – Jen
JEN’S WORDS (September, 2022) “I started IF in February. It couldn’t have come at a better time in my life. This year is a monumental birthday for me. I set a goal for myself to have less of me by my birthday. I’m not going to lie. I wasn’t so sure how successful I was going to be since all the other “diets” didn’t work and having a thyroid that doesn’t work right makes losing weight an uphill battle.
To my surprise the weight slowly started coming off ( and is still slow to drop off) and that was enough inspiration to keep with it. As of today I have lost 21 LBS and many inches all over my body. Most importantly, I feel great! My face has cleared up, I have more energy, clothes are fitting way better, some are too big!! Whoohoo!!
Tips From Jen
My workouts have improved so much and I’m able to lift heavier weights. Fasting has become easier compared to the first couple months of doing it. So for those who are new to IF keep going, your body will adapt. Even those who have slow/stubborn bodies like mine. I like the flexibility it gives me. I don’t have to worry about calorie restriction, counting anything or feeling guilty when I indulge a bit more than I should because anyone that knows me, knows I have a sweet tooth!
Some other things that have worked for me: using a 20/4 and 21/3 schedule. I also do meal-less days as well. The life app keeps me on track as well as my calendar that I log my weight and exercise info on. I love my LaCroix water, black coffee, bone broth and all of Jen’s yummy recipes . Lately I have been using LMNT salts in my sparkling water, which has helped with my fasting and muscle recovery from working out. Thank you Jen for introducing me to IF. It is truly changing my life and my body in so many ways.”
“After seeing my mom and my grandma’s success with fasting, I decided to just give it a try by simply cutting out breakfast, not snacking after dinner, and following a pretty consistent 16:8 IF schedule. Within just a few weeks of only making those simple changes, I was able to lose those extra pounds fairly easily and I didn’t really feel like it was that hard to do.” -CAMBRIA

CAMI’S WORDS – “I have never been overweight or had to really worry much about my weight, however, as a college student I noticed over the last few years that I wasn’t able to shed the few pesky extra pounds that I had gained after high school. It was frustrating.
After seeing my mom and my grandma’s success with fasting, I decided to just give it a try by simply cutting out breakfast, not snacking after dinner, and following a pretty consistent 16:8 IF schedule on fast days. Within just a few weeks of only making those simple changes, I was able to lose those extra pounds fairly easily and I didn’t really feel like it was that hard to do.
I think it is cool that I now have fasting as a tool that I can use to control my weight and I am excited that I learned about it at a young age.”
16. JEN‘S (So What IF? with Jen) Weight Loss Journey Success Story
“That day was absolutely eye-opening. I cried for about two hours straight, curled up in the fetal position eating a box of Milk Duds and then I decided it was time to end my pity party and get to work.” -JEN

In 2020, during the Coronavirus Pandemic, I, like so many others, became depressed and even more overweight. I was sitting at home all day trying to teach kindergarten students remotely. At the end of the 2020 school year I knew I needed to make some serious life changes. I applied and was granted a part-time position teaching elementary physical education. I also did some research and started teaching English to the children in China from my basement wearing my comfy pajama bottoms. At the start of the 2020-2021 school year as the new Elementary P.E. teacher, I was loving my job but felt like a bit of a hypocrite. How could I be teaching young children about the importance of exercise and eating healthy foods and be overweight myself?
I will never forget the date: January 5, 2021. I was afraid to step on the scale for many months prior because I just wasn’t ready to face the truth of it all. When I did step on the scale that day I was blown away! 174.6 pounds!!! What??? I had never in my life been in the 170’s. That day was absolutely eye-opening. I cried for about two hours straight, curled up in the fetal position eating a box of Milk Duds and then I decided it was time to end my pity party and get to work on this new intermittent fasting diet.
I had heard a little about intermittent fasting and that it could help with weight loss. For the first two weeks I easily started incorporating a 16:8 fasting regimen (skipping breakfast) into my routine. I also cut all sugar, chucked my Dr. Pepper addiction and started following a low carb diet. I lost about 8 pounds those first two weeks which kept me encouraged and in the game.
Then it happened!!! I went to work on a Wednesday and passed a co-worker in the hall that I hadn’t seen in several months. She looked AMAZING! Of course I asked her what she was doing and she told me about Gin’s book Delay, Don’t Deny. Well, instead of eating lunch at work that day, I raced back to my office, Googled “all things Gin” and ordered the book off Amazon Prime so I could get my hands on it as quickly as possible. I received the book on Friday and stayed up until 1 am reading it from cover to cover.
It was like I had a total “OMG!” moment and everything Gin said in her book about insulin being released every time we eat and the science behind clean fasting made so much sense to me. I was so excited and completely related to her as an elementary teacher.
I didn’t sleep all night because my mind was racing. My husband and I were having our coffee on Saturday morning and I was telling him everything that I learned from the book and how it just made so much sense. I talked his ear off for about two hours. Since I am a jump head first kind of girl – two days later on that Monday I started clean fasting (took the creamer right out of my coffee) and slowly incorporated OMAD (22:2) .
In the next few weeks I read Gin’s other books, as well as a few others including The Obesity Code by Jason Fung. I have always felt that knowledge is power and all of this information was so awesome. I could barely contain my excitement.
At 45 years old, I went on to lose 46 pounds in four months and have kept it off for almost 3 years now. I feel healthier than I ever have in my entire life. My energy is through the roof, my sleep has improved immensely, and I am no longer getting 3-4 headaches per week. Actually, I haven’t had a severe headache since I started all this back in January, 2021.
So many co-workers and teacher friends have been curious about what I did to make such a dramatic change in such a short time that I have let them borrow my copies of Gin’s books. There is actually a waiting list that I have in my office for who gets the books next.
I LOVE IF and after trying so many different crazy weight loss diets over the years, I finally feel like I have found a lifestyle instead of a diet that finally works. I have reached my goal weight, I am effortlessly maintaining, I feel FREE and I am truly LIVING MY BEST LIFE NOW!
In the months following the publishing of this post I have had some really awesome things happen. First, I was interviewed by Gin Stephen on her Intermittent Fasting Success Stories Podcast. Additionally, my success story was featured on the first page of her newest book, “CLEAN(ISH).” Oh, how I love “IF.”

Thanks for stopping by to read my post today. Have a BLESSED and BEAUTIFUL day!
That’s a Wrap!
WOW! Weren’t those intermittent fasting Weight Loss Testimonials INCREDIBLE??? Do you have an Intermittent Fasting Success Story to share? If so, I’d love to hear from you! Please leave a comment below so we can continue to LEARN, SHARE & GROW Together! The TRUTH is…INTERMITTENT FASTING REALLY DOES WORK and we all should be LIVING OUR VERY BEST LIVES NOW!
And… if you’re ready to go ALL IN and finally lose weight and get healthy FOR GOOD, I’m totally here for YOU! In my INTERMITTENT FASTING and WEIGHT LOSS MASTERCLASS: 6 Weeks to Sexy, I will teach you step-by-step, week-by-week, exactly HOW I lost 46 Pounds in 4 Months with Intermittent Fasting! I’ll share with you every single TIP, TRICK, RECIPE & STRATEGY that I used to reach my goal weight and maintain for over two years now! CLICK HERE if you’re ready to do this TOGETHER!